The Number data types are available to an ODBC application if supported by the database. A Number type is either Fixed or Floating as listed in the following table.
Number Variant | Database Type | Description |
Fixed Number | NUMBER (p, s) | Fixed decimal of p digits with s fractional digits |
NUMBER (p) | Equivalent to NUMBER(p, 0) | |
Floating Number | NUMBER (*, s) | Floating decimal of s fractional digits |
NUMBER (*) | Floating decimal | |
NUMBER | Equivalent to NUMBER(*) |
In an ODBC application, the Number types are treated as standard SQL types. Fixed Number data types are mapped to the standard SQL_DECIMAL data type and Floating Number data types are mapped to SQL_DOUBLE. This means conforming applications do not need to know that the database type corresponding to an SQL_DECIMAL or SQL_DOUBLE is a Number data type.
If an application needs information indicating the database type is a Number type, then the application can examine the Teradata ODBC-specific data type code. This code is returned as a descriptor field in SQLColAttribute and SQLGetDescField. Additionally, the code is returned as a Teradata-specific column in the result set from SQLGetTypeInfo, SQLColumns, and SQLProcedureColumns.
- SQL_TD_FIXED_NUMBER for a Fixed Number
- SQL_TD_FLOATING_NUMBER for a Floating Number