If the username and password boxes are filled, ODBC Driver for Teradata converts them to a simplified logon format which is passed to the Teradata security library (TeraGSS)..
Field, Check Box, or Button | Description |
DBC Name or Address | Specify the COP or AMP for your first connection. This is the list of names and IP addresses that was configured in the Teradata Server Info group box of the OBDC Driver Setup for Teradata Database dialog box. |
Authentication group box | |
Use Integrated Security | Default = Cleared Clear the check box to enable connection to the database through CSO. Select the check box to enable connection to the database through SSO. In a CSO from a network client, the user must supply both a Vantage system username and password. The username and password are sent to the database, where they are validated. If the username exists and the password matches correctly, access is allowed. Otherwise, the connect request is rejected. In an SSO connection, the database system username and password are not submitted. Instead, the username is derived from the user identity on the client platform. |
Mechanism | Specify the desired security checking mechanism. Apple macOS supports only TD2, LDAP, Kerberos (KRB5) and TDNEGO. Kerberos (KRB5) is for Windows only. Valid Mechanism values are as follows:
Parameter | Type in the parameters required for the desired security checking mechanism. With simplified login support, it is not necessary to fill in the Parameter field for most logins. Sometimes it might be necessary to supply additional information such as Profile=MyProfile to log on to the database. In such cases, the additional information is contained in the Parameter field. The Parameter value can be specified when the DSN is created. Like a password, the value will be masked. To change the value of an existing parameter or to enter a new value, click on the Change button next to the Parameter field. A new Parameter dialog box opens, which allows the specification of a new Parameter value. If a Parameter value already exists, it will be displayed in clear text in the dialog box and can be edited or replaced. When changes are complete, click OK. |
Username | Default = Cleared Shows the default username that was specified during the data source configuration of the driver. The default value can be overridden here. If required, the user is prompted for additional information. If the Username field is filled in, ODBC Driver for Teradata converts it to a simplified logon format which is passed to the Teradata security library (TeraGSS). |
Password | Sends the password (if any) that was configured for this data source (unless a different password is supplied). If required, the user is prompted for additional information. If the Password field is filled in, ODBC Driver for Teradata converts it to a simplified logon format which is passed to the Teradata security library (TeraGSS). |
Optional group box | |
Default Database | Indicate the default data space that has been allocated to the user (when supplied). If provided, the user does not have to supply the fully qualified table name with each request. If not supplied, the Vantage system automatically assigns the user to the default data space, which might not have the desired permissions and tables. |
Account String | Identifies the user (if the Vantage system has account information being gathered). |
Buttons | |
Change | To change the value of an existing parameter or to enter a new value, click Change next to the Parameter field. A new Parameter dialog box opens, which allows the specification of a new Parameter value. If a Parameter value already exists, it will be displayed in clear text in the Parameter dialog box and can be edited or replaced. When changes are made, click OK. |
OK | Click to enable the driver to use any changes that have been made in the dialog box. Changes are temporary and are not stored, with the exception of the username, which is stored as the last user that connected to the data source. |
Cancel | Click to cancel any changes made to the dialog box and abort the current driver and data source selection. |
Help? | Click to obtain detailed help about this dialog box. |