Array data type values appearing in result sets and used as statement parameters are of ODBC SQL Variable Character type (SQL_VARCHAR or SQL_WVARCHAR). The format of an array as ODBC SQL Variable Character is the transformed format as described in Teradata Vantage™ - Data Types and Literals, B035-1143.
Briefly, the format is a string of each array element value separated by comma and enclosed in parenthesis as shown in the following input, assuming the array has N elements:
where each element is transformed depending on its type.
Arrays are visible through the ODBC Catalog functions as shown in the following table.
Catalog Function | Description |
SQLTables | TABLE_TYPE column: "TYPE". TABLE_NAME column: Contains type name, i.e., the name of the ARRAY type from the CREATE TYPE. |
SQLColumns | DATA_TYPE column: SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE (zero) TYPE_NAME column: Type name. |
SQLProcedureColumns | As for SQLColumns |