The ODBC pattern escape character is supported for the following ODBC functions (up to the limitations of Teradata):
- SQLColumnPrivileges
- SQLColumns
- SQLProcedureColumns
- SQLProcedures
- SQLTablePrivileges
- SQLTables
The Teradata LIKE clause does not contain an escape character in the same sense as ODBC; therefore, pattern escape characters for one string must either be in use or not be in use. The following table provides an example of the ODBC Pattern Escape Character:
Valid Syntax | Illegal Syntax |
“table_all” | “tab_e\_all” |
“this%table” | “this%table\_” |
“table\_all\%” |
If a string containing an escaped pattern character also contains an un-escaped pattern character, the string will be converted to all un-escaped characters. For example:
The string “table\_emp%” will be converted to “table_emp%”.