- The TD_BINARYSERIESOP takes two equally-sized series as input. Equally-sized means the series have the same number of entries. The first series referenced in the function call is referred to as being the primary series. The second series referenced is the secondary series. The result series always inherits the identifiers, SERIES_ID(), from the primary series. The significance of being a primary series or secondary series is explained in the functional parameter MATHOP.
In addition to supporting two inputs in which both inputs involve either univariate or multivariate series, this function supports combinations in which one input is a univariate series and other input is a multivariate series. For multivariate series, the result series is of type multivariate, and is formulated by reusing the univariate series as many times as necessary to produce the multivariate result.
For CONTENT type, both inputs are required to be of the same high-level classification. When both inputs are univariate, or both are multivariate, then the CONTENT type must match. When one input is univariate and the other is multivariate, then the CONTENT must be of the same classification, meaning both are real, both are rectangular complex, or both are polar amplitude-phase.
Name Data Type Description MATHOP Enum, string The mathematical operation to be performed between the passed in primary and secondary series. The options are as follows: - SUB: For MATHOP(SUB), the secondary series is subtracted from the primary series.
- ADD: For MATHOP(ADD), the secondary series is added to the primary series.
- MUL: For MATHOP(MUL), the primary series is multiplied by the secondary series.
- DIV: For MATHOP(DIV), the primary series is divided by the secondary series.
- The INPUT_MODE parameter has the following options:
- ONE2ONE: Both the primary and secondary series specifications include a WHERE filter clause identifying one series instance to serve as the input series for the mathematical operation.
- MANY2ONE: The primary input SERIES_SPEC references MANY series instances. The secondary input SERIES_SPEC includes a WHERE filter clause identifying a single series instance. When applying the mathematical operation, the secondary input single series is reused as many times as necessary to match the number of series instances found in the primary input.
- MATCH: A series instance residing in the primary input whose SERIES_ID matches the SERIES_ID of a series instance in the secondary input, has the mathematical operation applied to produce a result series. For those instances in one input who have no corresponding SERIES_ID partner in the other input, the series is skipped over.
- [Optional] Specify the INDEX_STYLE of the output format. Options are NUMERICAL_SEQUENCE or FLOW_THROUGH. The default is NUMERICAL_SEQUENCE.