TD_AUTOARIMA Syntax Elements | Unbounded Array Framework | Teradata Vantage - TD_AUTOARIMA Syntax Elements - Teradata Vantage

Database Unbounded Array Framework Time Series Functions

Teradata Vantage
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Specify the SERIES_SPEC of the input time series.

See Series Specifications.

Name Data Type Description
MAX_PQ_NONSEASONAL Integer list [Optional] The (p,q) order of the maximum autoregression (AR) and moving average (MA) parameters. Default is (5, 5).
MAX_PQ_SEASONAL Integer list [Optional] The (P,Q) order of the max seasonal AR and MA parameters. Default is (2,2)
START_PQ_NONSEASONAL Integer list [Optional] The start value of (p,q). Only used when STEPWISE(1). Default is (0, 0).
START_PQ _SEASONAL Integer list [Optional] The start value of seasonal (P,Q). Only used when STEPWISE(1). Default is (0, 0).
d Integer [Optional] The order of first-differencing. Default is -1 (auto search d).
Ds Integer [Optional] The order of seasonal-differencing. Default: -1 (auto search Ds).
MAX_d Integer [Optional] Maximum number of non-seasonal differences. Default is 2.
MAX_Ds Integer [Optional] Maximum number of seasonal differences. Default is 1.
PERIOD Integer [Optional] The number of periods per season. For non-seasonal data, period is 1. Default is 1.
STATIONARY Integer [Optional] If true, the the function restricts search to stationary models. A value of 1 means true. A value of 0 means false. Default is 0.
SEASONAL Integer [Optional] If false, then the function restricts search to non-seasonal models. A value of 1 means true. A value of 0 means false. Default is 1, meaning search all models including seasonal.
CONSTANT Integer [Optional] Indicator that TD_AUTOARIMA function include an intercept. A value of 1 means CONSTANT/intercept must be included. A value of 0 means CONSTANT/intercept must not be included. Default is 1.
ALGORITHM Enumerated list [Optional] The approach used by TD_AUTOARIMA to estimate the coefficients.
  • ALGORITHM (MLE): Use maximum likelihood approach.
  • ALGORITHM (CSS_MLE): Use the conditional sum-of-squares to determine a start value and then do maximum likelihood.
  • ALGORITHM (CSS): Use the conditional sum-ofsquares approach..

Default is ALGORITHM (MLE).

FIT_PERCENTAGE Integer [Optional] Percentage of passed-in sample points used for the model fitting (parameter estimation). The default is 100, meaning 100%.
INFOR_CRITERIA Enumerated list [Optional] Information criterion to be used in model selection. Options are AIC, AICc, BIC. Default is AIC.
STEPWISE Integer [Optional] If true, then the function does stepwise selection. If false, the the function selects all models. A value of 1 means true. A value of 0 means false. Default is 0.
NMODELS Integer Maximum number of models considered in the stepwise search. Default is 94.
MAX_ITERATIONS Integer [Optional] The maximum number of iterations that can be employed to non-linear optimization procedure. Default is 100.
COEFF_STATS Integer [Optional] Indicator to return coefficient statistical columns TSTAT_VALUE and TSTAT_PROB. A value of 1 means return the columns. A value of 0 means do not return the columns. Default is 0.
FIT_METRICS Integer [Optional] Indicator to generate the secondary result set that contains the model metadata statistics. A value of 1 means generate the secondary result set. A value of 0 means do not generate the secondary result set. Default is 0.

The generated result set is retrieved by issuing a TD_EXTRACT_RESULTS against the analytical result table containing the results.

RESIDUAL Integer [Optional] Indicator to generate the tertiary result set that contains the model residuals. A value of 1 means generate the tertiary result set. A value of 0 means do not generate the tertiary result set. Default is 0.

The generated result set is retrieved by issuing a TD_EXTRACT_RESULTS against the analytical result table containing the results.

ARMA_ROOTS Integer [Optional] Indicator to generate the senary result set that contains the inverse AR and MA roots of result best model that TD_AUTOARIMA selected (the model in the primary output layer). There must be no inverse roots showing outside of the unit circle. A value of 1 means generate result set. A value of 0 means do not generate a result set.Default is 0.

The generated result set is retrieved by issuing a TD_EXTRACT_RESULTS against the analytical result table containing the results.

TEST_NONSEASONAL Integer [Optional] Nonseasonal unit root test used to choose differencing number d. Default is ADF.
TD_AUTOARIMA function only uses ADF test for nonseasonal unit root test.
TEST_SEASONAL Integer [Optional] Seasonal unit root test used to choose differencing number D. Default is OCSB.
TD_AUTOARIMA function only uses OCSB test for seasonal unit root test.