- The analytical result table (ART) which was populated by a call to the TD_ARIMAESTIMATE function with FIT_PERCENTAGE set to a value of less than 100. The ART_SPEC must include TABLE_NAME. Do not use any other ART_SPEC parameters.
ART_SPEC (TABLE_NAME( [database-name .] table-name ) )
See ART Specifications.
Name Data Type Description FIT_METRICS Integer [Optional] Indicator to generate a secondary result set that contains the model metadata statistics. A value of 1 means generate the secondary result set. A value of 0 means do not generate the result set. The default value is 0. The generated result set is retrieved by issuing a TD_EXTRACT_RESULTS function for the ART containing the results in the ARTFITMETADATA layer.
RESIDUALS Integer [Optional] Indicator to generate the tertiary result set that contains the model residuals. A value of 1 means generate the tertiary result set. A value of 0 means do not generate the tertiary result set.The default is 0. The generated result set is retrieved by issuing a TD_EXTRACT_RESULTS function for the ART containing the results in the ARTFITRESIDUALS layer.
- No INPUT_FMT options are available for this function.
- The OUTPUT_FMT options only apply to the ARTFITRESIDUALS layer. Options are NUMERICAL_SEQUENCE or FLOW_THROUGH. The default is NUMERICAL_SEQUENCE.