Migrate Repository from Analytics Database to Postgres in the Cloud | DSU - Migrating Repository Data from Analytics Database to Postgres in the Cloud - BAR - Data Stream Architecture - Data Stream Extensions

Teradata® DSA - DSE for IBM Spectrum Protect Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Data Stream Extensions
Release Number
November 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
  1. Using its public IP, ssh to the cloud VMs having DSC 17.xx. For example:
    ssh -i acess_key.pem ec2-user@
  2. Change to super user using command sudo su -.
  3. Go to /var/opt/teradata/dsu-migration/DSAMetaDataMigrator.17.xx.xx.xx/pkgs/
  4. Generate a property file using this command:
    • On SLES15 run python3 runAutoMigration.py - g
    • On SLES12.3-TDC/STND run python3.6 runAutoMigration.py - g
    This generates a properties.xml file prepopulated with values available from the DSC installation. This step assumes it's being created on the source system so it can update the DSC server detail. This generated file can be used as input for rest of the other options.
  5. Edit properties.xml to update it with credentials of DSC.
    More information about properties.xml (and a commented sample) can be found in Properties.xml File.
  6. Export the metadata:
    • On SLES15 run python3 runAutoMigration.py - e
    • On SLES12.3-TDC/STND run python3.6 runAutoMigration.py - e
    The metadata from from the Teradata repository is exported to a flat file in .csv format in a folder called pgdata.
  7. Verify DSC with REST API is running.
    /etc/init.d/dsc status
    If DSA >= then, run $DSA_DSC_ROOT/postgres_access.sh -t enable
  8. Import the metadata from the flat files to the new repository.
    • On SLES15 run python3 runAutoMigration.py - i
    • On SLES12.3-TDC/STND run python3.6 runAutoMigration.py - i
    This imports the exported data from flat file to Postgres database. If not in silent mode, and any user data is present in the Postgres repo, user is asked if clean up can proceed.
  9. Validate the import process.
    • On SLES15 run python3 runAutoMigration.py - v
    • On SLES12.3-TDC/STND run python3.6 runAutoMigration.py - v
    This validates the export and import process by comparing the number of rows for each table in the Teradata repo and Postgres.
  10. Reconfigure the new DSC.
    1. Generate another property file using these commands:
      • On SLES15 run python3 runAutoMigration.py - g
      • On SLES12.3-TDC/STND run python3.6 runAutoMigration.py - g
      This generates a property file containing details for media servers and systems.
    2. Edit properties.xml with credentials of media servers and systems.
    3. Run the reconfiguration:
      • On SLES15 run python3 runAutoMigration.py - r
      • On SLES12.3-TDC/STND run python3.6 runAutoMigration.py - r