- Run a repository backup on DSC old source.
- Restore repository on target or new DSC source.When latest bootstrap file is available and can be copied to new DSC source, follow these steps.
- Create DFS/AWS/Azure/etc, Media Server and Replication target group on new DSC machine.
- Copy the bootstrap_<backupID>.out in the landing zone from old DSC machine to the new DSC machine.default is: /var/opt/teradata/dsa/postgres
- Go to/opt/teradata/client/17.20/dsa/dsc
- User:su dscuser
- Restore the repository:sh recover.sh -m recovery
- Get <backupID> from replication target group.h recover.sh -m replicate_from -v 1602081495349 -r file_replicating_tgFor example, h recover.sh -m replicate_from -v 1602081495349 -r file_replicating_tg
- Check the replication status: sh recover.sh -m save_sets_replication_status
- Restore the backup:sh recover.sh -m restore -v <backupID>For example, sh recover.sh -m restore -v 1602081495349
- Restart DSC after successful restore.
When latest bootstrap file is not available, follow these steps.- Update Media Server on old DSC to communicate with New DSC as well.Append new DSC ActiveMQ IP to broker.list in clienthandler.properties to point to new DSC.
- To configure with new DSC, restart media:/etc/init.d/clienthandler restart-hwupgrade
- Configure backup solution (DFS/AWS/Azure/etc), Media and Target Group similar to old DSC for replication.
- Go to/opt/teradata/client/17.20/dsa/dsc
- User:su dscuser
- To check the list of backup IDs available on replication target group:sh recover.sh -m list_backupids -r replicating_target_group
- Get <backupID> from replication target group.sh recover.sh -m replicate_from -v <backupID> -r <replicationTargetGroupName>For example, sh recover.sh -m replicate_from -v 1603437512425 -r gcp_tg
- Restore the backup.sh recover.sh -m restore -v <backupID>For example, sh recover.sh -m restore -v 1603437512425
- Restart DSC after successful restore.
- Modify DSC name on new DSC.
- Go to/opt/teradata/client/17.xx/dsa/dsc
- To modify the DSC name, run the command:./modify_dsc_name.sh
- Go to
- Reconfigure systems and media on new DSC.
- Download DSAMetaDataMigrator__sles12-15_x8664.17.20.xx.xx-xxx.tar.gz
- To extract the content:tar -xvzf DSAMetaDataMigrator__sles11-12-15_x8664.17.20.xx.xx-xxx.tar.gz
- Go to the extracted folder.Important: Perform the following steps in this extracted folder.
- To install python3 and its dependency module: ./installpython3.sh
- To generate properties.xmlrun the command:./runPostgres2PostgresMigration.py -g
- Modify properties.xml (generated in the previous step) with new DSC Systems and Media Server login credentials.
- Run the command to reconfigure DSC. This script re-configures the connected Systems and Media Servers with new DSC../runPostgres2PostgresMigration.py -r
- The properties.xml file will be removed on successful reconfigure.
- Download