Migrate Repository Data from Postgres to Postgres - Migrating Repository Data from Postgres to Postgres - BAR - Data Stream Architecture - Data Stream Extensions

Teradata® DSA - DSE for IBM Spectrum Protect Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Data Stream Extensions
Release Number
November 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
  1. Run a repository backup on DSC old source.
  2. Restore repository on target or new DSC source.
    When latest bootstrap file is available and can be copied to new DSC source, follow these steps.
    1. Create DFS/AWS/Azure/etc, Media Server and Replication target group on new DSC machine.
    2. Copy the bootstrap_<backupID>.out in the landing zone from old DSC machine to the new DSC machine.
      default is: /var/opt/teradata/dsa/postgres
    3. Go to
    4. User:
      su dscuser
    5. Restore the repository:
      sh recover.sh -m recovery
    6. Get <backupID> from replication target group.
      h recover.sh -m replicate_from -v 1602081495349 -r file_replicating_tg
      For example, h recover.sh -m replicate_from -v 1602081495349 -r file_replicating_tg
    7. Check the replication status:
      sh recover.sh -m save_sets_replication_status
    8. Restore the backup:
      sh recover.sh -m restore -v <backupID>
      For example, sh recover.sh -m restore -v 1602081495349
    9. Restart DSC after successful restore.
    When latest bootstrap file is not available, follow these steps.
    1. Update Media Server on old DSC to communicate with New DSC as well.
      Append new DSC ActiveMQ IP to broker.list in clienthandler.properties to point to new DSC.
    2. To configure with new DSC, restart media:
      /etc/init.d/clienthandler restart-hwupgrade
    3. Configure backup solution (DFS/AWS/Azure/etc), Media and Target Group similar to old DSC for replication.
    4. Go to
    5. User:
      su dscuser
    6. To check the list of backup IDs available on replication target group:
      sh recover.sh -m list_backupids -r replicating_target_group
    7. Get <backupID> from replication target group.
      sh recover.sh -m replicate_from -v <backupID> -r <replicationTargetGroupName>
      For example, sh recover.sh -m replicate_from -v 1603437512425 -r gcp_tg
    8. Restore the backup.
      sh recover.sh -m restore -v <backupID>
      For example, sh recover.sh -m restore -v 1603437512425
    9. Restart DSC after successful restore.
  3. Modify DSC name on new DSC.
    1. Go to
    2. To modify the DSC name, run the command:
  4. Reconfigure systems and media on new DSC.
    1. Download
    2. To extract the content:
      tar -xvzf DSAMetaDataMigrator__sles11-12-15_x8664.17.20.xx.xx-xxx.tar.gz
    3. Go to the extracted folder.
      Important: Perform the following steps in this extracted folder.
    4. To install python3 and its dependency module:
    5. To generate properties.xmlrun the command:
      ./runPostgres2PostgresMigration.py -g
    6. Modify properties.xml (generated in the previous step) with new DSC Systems and Media Server login credentials.
    7. Run the command to reconfigure DSC. This script re-configures the connected Systems and Media Servers with new DSC.
      ./runPostgres2PostgresMigration.py -r
    8. The properties.xml file will be removed on successful reconfigure.