DSN Settings for Third-Party Applications| ODBC Driver for Teradata - DSN Settings for Third-Party Applications - ODBC Driver for Teradata

ODBC Driver for Teradata® User Guide - 17.20

ODBC Driver for Teradata
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

ODBC Driver for Teradata has specific application uses defined for available DSN settings. The following table lists the DSN settings and their specific application use.

ODBC.INI Setting Name Name in DSN Setup Dialog Specific Application Use



Account String The account string to use when logging in to the database.
CharacterSet=<charset name>


CharSet=<charset name>

Session Character Set The character set to use for the session. This value can be a user-defined character set, or one of the pre-defined character sets.
DateTimeFormat=[I|A] AA DateTime Format The format that the driver uses for DATE values when communicating with the database.



Default Database The name of the database to access by default.



No HELP DATABASE Specifies whether the Help Database is used.
EnableExtendedStmtInfo=[Yes|No] Enable Extended Statement Information Specifies whether extended statement information is used when it is available from the database (Teradata Database versions V2R6.2 and later).
EnableReadAhead=[Yes|No] Enable read-ahead Specifies whether to request the next response message while the current message is being processed.
EnableRedrive=[Yes|No|Default] EnableRedrive Determines whether requests on the session participate inRedrive, or not, or use the database-side default value.Default value is "Default".
EnableUDFUpload=[Yes|No] Enable Client Side UDF Upload Specifies whether the driver supports the creating and updating of User-Defined Functions (UDFs) on the database server based on UDFs that are saved in files on the client machine.
UDFUploadPath=<path> UDF Upload Path The full path to a directory on the client machine that contains UDF files. The driver automatically prepends this path to the file names that you specify in the EXTERNAL NAME clauses for CREATE FUNCTION or REPLACE FUNCTION calls. This enables you to write EXTERNAL NAME clauses that only specify file names.

If your UDF files are stored in various different directories and you want to specify the full path and name of the files when writing EXTERNAL NAME clauses, then set this option to an empty string.

IANAAppCodePage=<ODBC application code page> This is set for application-specific code page number when using Unicode
IgnoreODBCSearchPattern=[Yes|No] Ignore Search Patterns This option specifies whether the underscore (_) and percent sign (%) characters are parsed as normal characters or as search wildcards.
UseIntegratedSecurity=[Yes|No] Use Integrated Security Specifies whether the driver authenticates the connection using Single Sign-On (SSO) or Conventional Sign-On (CSO).
Log Error Events
MaxRespSize=<integer=<16775168> Maximum Response Buffer Size The default is 64K; for large result sets, this value can be increased up to 16 MB.



Mechanism The mechanism that the driver uses to authenticate the connection to the database.



Parameter Additional parameters that might be required for authentication. For example, if you are authenticating your connection to the database using a JSON web token (JWT), then you must specify a token parameter.
NoScan=[Yes|No] Disable Parsing Specifies whether the driver parses SQL statements or passes the statements through to the database without making any modifications.
OutputAsResultSet=[Yes|No] Return Output Parameters As ResultSet
PrintOption=[N|P] ProcedureWithPrintStmt Specifies whether to enable the print option for stored procedures.
ReconnectCount=<value> ReconnectCount The maximum number of times the driver should attempt to reconnect to the database (0-99).

Default is 20.

ReconnectInterval=<value> ReconnectInterval The number of seconds (1-300) between reconnect attempts.

Default is 30.

retryOnEINTR Retry system calls (EINTR) KXEN
UseEmptyCreateParamsColumnForTimestamp Return Empty string in CREATE_PARAMS columns for SQL_TIMESTAMP Specifies whether the driver returns an empty string or the given value for the CREATE_PARAMS column when you call SQLGetTypeInfo for SQL_TIMESTAMP data.


SSL Mode

The default is Prefer. Set this option for ODBC Driver of Teradata to run in Legacy(non-TLS) or TLS mode.


SSL Protocol

Currently only TLSv1.2 is supported.



This option specifies the full path of the directory containing the root certificates for trusted CAs. If SSL Mode is not set to Verify-CA or Verify-Full, SSL CA File Name or SSL CA Path will be ignored.

ReturnGeneratedKeys=<value> Return Generated Keys Determines the result from requests that insert data into identity columns. These requests can optionally return a result set containing identity column values, also known as auto-generated keys, for the inserted rows.
Use32kMaxCharColumnSize Return max. CHAR/VARCHAR length as 32K MS Access
SessionMode=[Teradata|ANSI] Session Mode Set to ANSI to resolve application getting too many end transaction messages.
Sessions=<value> Sessions The number of FastExport data connections that the driver opens, to enable performance improvements for SELECT queries that meet the criteria of the FastExport protocol.

The number of AMPs (Access Module Processors) that are available for your database determines the maximum number of FastExport data connections that can be opened.

If you set this property to a number that is greater than the number of AMPs, the driver only opens a number of connections equal to the number of AMPs.
It is not recommended that you set this property. When this property is not set, the number of FastExport connections is determined automatically based on the database settings.
SplOption=[Yes|No] ProcedureWithSPLSource Specifies whether to use stored procedure language (SPL) when creating stored procedures.
TranslationDllName=<path> Translation DLL Name Specifies whether TCP immediately sends small packets or waits to gather packets into a single, larger packet.

The full path to the .dll file that contains functions for translating all the data that is transferred between the Teradata server and the driver.

This .dll file is used for translation if local character sets are not supported by Analytics Database or the driver.

TCPNoDelay=[Yes|No] Use TCP_NODELAY Specifies whether TCP immediately sends small packets or waits to gather packets into a single, larger packet.
TranslationOption=<option> Translation Option The options used by the Translation DLL file. The required options may vary depending on the Translation DLL file being used.
TDMSTPortNumber=<integer> TDMST Port Number Set to another port number if port 1025 is already used. By default, the Teradata Gateway is listening to port 1025.
Type=[Default|FastExport] Type This option specifies whether the driver uses the FastExport protocol to improve the performance of SELECT queries that meet certain criteria.
  • Default: The driver does not use FastExport for any queries, and only runs queries using the standard protocol.
  • FastExport: When connected to a database that supports FastExport, the driver uses it to run queries that meet the FastExport criteria. For all other queries, the driver falls back to using the standard protocol.
HTTPS_PORT=<integer> HTTPS Port Number Set to another port number if port 443 is already used. By default, the Teradata Gateway listens to port 443 for TLS connection.
SSLMode=[Allow|Disable|Prefer|Require|Verify-CA|Verify-Full] SSL Mode The default is Prefer. Set this option for ODBC Driver of Teradata to run in Legacy(non-TLS) or TLS mode.
SSLProtocol=[TLSv1.2] SSL Protocol Currently only TLSv1.2 is supported.
SSLCA=<path> SSL CA Path This option specifies the full path of the directory containing the root certificates for trusted CAs. If SSL Mode is not set to Verify-CA or Verify-Full, SSL CA File Name or SSL CA Path will be ignored.
SSLCAPath=<path> SSL CA File Name The default is the default of the operating environment.

This option specifies the full path and name of a .pem file containing one or more certificates for trusted Root and Intermediate CAs. If SSL Mode is not set to Verify-CA or Verify-Full, SSL CA File Name or SSL CA Path will be ignored.




Enable Custom Catalog Mode for 2.x Applications MS Excel

Importing data into an Excel 2000 spreadsheet by SQL query (using Data>>Get External Data>>New Database Query)

DontUseTitles=[Yes|No] Use Column Names Specifies whether column names or column titles are returned for Crystal Reports.



Enable Data Encryption Specifies whether the driver encrypts all communication with the database or authentication information only.
UseDateDataForTimeStampParams Use DATE data for TIMESTAMP parameters MS Access and other applications that are using Microsoft Access Jet databases.
UseRegionalSettings Use Regional Settings for Decimal Symbol Specifies whether the driver uses the regional settings for decimal symbols, or uses a period (.) regardless of the regional settings.
UseXViews=[Yes|No] Use X Views Specifies whether to use X views. X views restrict access to the data so that the driver can only access objects that the specified user owns or controls.
SSLCRC =[Allow|Require] Certificate Revocation Check Stands for SSL Certificate Revocation Check. Valid values are Allow and Require; default value is Allow.


The connector would establish a connection only if the certificate status is good, otherwise it would fail.


The connector would establish a connection only if the certificate status is good/ unknown/ TryLater/ InternalError/ OCSP URI cannot be reached. If certificate status is revoked, the connector would not establish the connection.

SSLOCSP = [ON|OFF] SSL OCSP / CRL An OCSP request is sent to an OCSP Responder. This checks the specific certificate with a trusted certificate authority and an OCSP response is sent back with a response of either ‘good’, ‘revoked’ or ‘unknown'. Valid values are ON, OFF; default value is ON
SSLCRL = [ON|OFF] SSL OCSP / CRL During connection, the driver downloads a Certificate Revocation List (CRL), and checks if the intermediate certificates against the CRL and see if the certificates are revoked. Valid values are ON, OFF; default value is ON
HTTP_PROXY - Hostname or IP address of the HTTP proxy server
HTTP_PROXY_USER - Proxy server username for HTTP_PROXY server
HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD - Proxy server password for HTTP_PROXY server
HTTPS_PROXY - Hostname or IP address of the HTTPS proxy server
HTTPS_PROXY_USER - Hostname or IP address of the HTTPS proxy server
HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD - Proxy server password for HTTPS_PROXY server
ALL_PROXY - Hostname or IP address of the proxy server supports both HTTP and HTTPS proxy
ALL_PROXY_USER - Proxy server username for ALL_PROXY server
ALL_PROXY_PASSWORD - Proxy server password for ALL_PROXY server
PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS - Not using proxy server for addresses that match these hostname, domain, or IP address patterns