Validating AccessModuleOLEDB - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata Tools and Utilities for CentOS Linux Installation Guide

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
November 2016
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
For more information about Teradata AccessModuleOLEDB, see Teradata Tools and Utilities Access Module Reference, B035-2425.
Before proceeding with validation, ensure that the ODBC driver has been installed.
In this procedure, either the source or target must be Teradata Database.
  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Change directory to OLEDB_Installed_Directory/AXSMOD/validate.
  3. Run the command oleload.exe.The OLELOAD GUI appears.
  4. From the Select a source list, select a source; then, depending on the source selected, make the appropriate selections as described below.
    Source Selections
    Teradata Database

    Teradata host: Machine name or IP address of the Teradata host

    User id: Username for the Teradata Database

    Password: Password for the Teradata Database

    Oracle Database

    Microsoft OLEDB Provider for Oracle (MSDAORA)

    Enter a server name: System name or IP address

    User name: Username for the Oracle Database

    Password:Password for the Oracle Database

    SQL Server

    Microsoft OLEDB Provider for SQL Server (SQLOLEDB)

    Select or enter a server name: System name or IP address

    Enter information to log on to the server:
    • Use Windows NT Integrated Security: If SQL has been installed on the local host, or
    • Use a specific user name and password: If SQL has been installed on a different machine

    Select the database on the server: Any particular user from SQL server

  5. Follow the steps below, depending on source type:
    Source Selections
    Teradata Database
    1. Click OK.
    Oracle Database or SQL Server
    1. Click Test Connection.
    2. Click OK.
  6. From the Select a destination list, select a target; then, depending on the target selected, make the selections below:
    Source Selections
    Teradata host Teradata host: Machine name or IP address of the Teradata host

    User name: Username for the Teradata Database

    Password: Password for the Teradata Database

    Oracle Database Microsoft OLEDB Provider for Oracle (MSDAORA)

    Enter a server name: System name or IP address

    User name: Username for the Oracle Database

    Password:Password for the Oracle Database

    SQL Server Microsoft OLEDB Provider for SQL Server (SQLOLEDB)
    Enter information to log on to the server:
    • Use Windows NT Integrated Security: If SQL has been installed on the local host, or
    • Use a specific user name and password: If SQL has been installed on a different machine

    Select the database on the server: Any particular user from SQL server

  7. Do the following, depending on target type:
    Source Selections
    Teradata Database
    1. Click OK.
    Oracle Database or SQL Server
    1. Click Test Connection.
    2. Click OK.
  8. Do the following to load the tables:
    1. In the navigator pane of the OLELOAD GUI, select the database associated with the credentials used to log in.Under the database selected, the list of tables appears.
    2. Select the desired table, and then in the table pane on the right, select the desired columns.
    3. In the bottom-right corner of the window, click Settings.The Teradata OleLoad - Advanced Settings dialog box appears.
    4. Make the desired changes, and then click OK.
    5. In the bottom-right corner of the OLELOAD GUI window, click Launch.The loaded records are visible in the destination database.