The following table identifies the column names and contents of the dem, demddl, and dempart FALLBACK protected tables in the SYSLIB database.
Table Name and Description | Column and Type | Column Description |
SYSLIB.dem Stores the currently installed version of packages. The loadpkg stored procedure populates this table when you restore a specific version of a package to a target database. |
name VARCHAR(30) | Name of the package. |
version VARCHAR(30) | Version of the currently installed package. | |
dbase VARCHAR(30) | Database in which the package is installed. | |
itime TIMESTAMP(6) | Date of the installation. | |
SYSLIB.demddl Stores the CREATE/REPLACE DDL information of all packages. |
name VARCHAR(30) | Name of the package associated with the DDL statements. This is the value of the U_Name argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
version VARCHAR(30) | Version of the package associated with the DDL statements. This is the value of the U_Version argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
dbase VARCHAR(30) | Target database of the package installation. This is the value of the U_Database argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
ddlcontent CLOB(2097088000) | CREATE/REPLACE statement for installing the package identified by the name and version columns. This is the value of the U_Create argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
demtype VARCHAR(5) | Type of package or package component that the CREATE/REPLACE statement creates. This is the value of the U_DemT argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
itime TIMESTAMP(6) | Date when the DDL information was saved. | |
SYSLIB.dempart Stores each part of a package. For example, a part could be in source, object, or library format. |
name VARCHAR(30) | Name of the package associated with the part. This is the value of the U_Name argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
version VARCHAR(30) | Version of the package associated with the part. This is the value of the U_Version argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
dbase VARCHAR(30) | Target database of the package installation. This is the value of the U_Database argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
partfn VARCHAR(30) | Filename of the package. This is the value of the U_DemFN argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |
partcontent BLOB(2097088000) | Package content. This is the value of the U_Content argument in a call to savepkg stored procedure. |