This example returns a geometry that is the duplicate of the input geometry.
REPLACE PROCEDURE dupGeometry(IN geom_in ST_Geometry, OUT geom_out ST_Geometry) LANGUAGE JAVA NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE JAVA EXTERNAL NAME 'UDF_JAR:UserDefinedFunctions.dupGeometry(com.teradata.fnc.ST_Geometry, com.teradata.fnc.ST_Geometry)'; public static void dupGeometry(com.teradata.fnc.ST_Geometry geom_in, com.teradata.fnc.ST_Geometry[] geom_out) throws SQLException { inWKT; outWKT; byte [] wkt; int srid; int numbytes; // Get the WKT InputStream and SRID of the input geometry. inWKT = geom_in.getWKT(); srid = geom_in.getSRID(); // Read the input WKT into a byte array. numbytes =; // Retrieve an OutputStream where we can write the WKT to the return geoemtry. If(geom_out == null | geom_out.lengh == 0) throw new SQLException(); outWKT = geom_out[0].setWKT(); // Write the input WKT to the return geometry outWKT.write(wkt); // Set the SRID of the return ST_Geometry to the same value as the input geometry geom_out[0].setSRID(srid); }