The character set of a UDF is determined by the character set of the user that creates the function. Therefore, if the user creating a UDF has a character set of LATIN, the UDF has a character set of LATIN. If the user creating a UDF has a character set of UNICODE, the UDF has a character set of UNICODE. FNC_GetQueryBand assumes the input character parameters are in the function character set and returns the output parameters in the same character set.
This interface can be called by a UDF, UDM, or external stored procedure to retrieve the current query band, a string of name-value pairs that can be set on a session, transaction, or profile to identify the originating source of queries and help manage task priorities and track system use.
IF you want to … | THEN use the … |
set the query band for a session or transaction | SET QUERY_BAND SQL statement. For details, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144. |
add or modify a query band for a profile |
For details, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Syntax and Examples, B035-1144. |
get transaction, session, or profile name-value pairs from the query band string that FNC_GetQueryBand returns | FNC_GetQueryBandPairs function. For details, see FNC_GetQueryBandPairs. |
search the transaction, session, or profile name-value pairs in the query band string that FNC_GetQueryBand returns and get the value that corresponds to a specific name | FNC_GetQueryBandValue function. For details, see FNC_GetQueryBandValue. |