In using the INTERTEST diagnostic software from Online Software International with your application, an incorrect wild branch condition or a storage violation may be reported by the diagnostic messages.
These messages indicate that program control branching from a load module occurred or that a storage overwrite condition was attempted (when a call was made to preprocessor or CLI runtime code).
Under INTERTEST 2.5.3, if either condition occurs, your systems support personnel should assemble the INTERTEST program IN25UEX with the parameter CALL=name (name values are defined in the following table) and concatenate the Teradata library CXILOAD to DDname SYSLIB in the link-edit of this INTERTEST program.
For more detailed information, see the customization guide that was supplied with your INTERTEST software.
When debugging under INTERTEST, remember that the user sees none of the code generated by preprocessor or CLI calls.
Environment | CALL=name values |
Preprocessor1 | PRESTB |
Preprocessor2 | DBCHSTBC, TDARDI |
CLIv1 | Not applicable |