Defining a Result Output File - Interactive Teradata Query Facility

Interactive Teradata Query User Guide

Interactive Teradata Query Facility
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

You use the TSO Allocate or CMS Filedef command to define output files for storing spooled results during your Teradata DBS session. These output files can then be kept and cataloged for later use.

For example, you may establish file attributes and define an output file during your ITEQ session using the following commands:

  • Under TSO:
  • tso attrib dbcparms lrecl(200) blksize(3600) recfm(vb)
    tso allocate ddname(iteqdsk2) new dsname(’iteqdsk2’)
    using(dbcparms) catalog
  • Under VM:
  • CMS;
    filedef iteqdsk2 disk iteqdsk2 data a5 (lrecl 200 blksize
    3600 recfm v dsorg ps)

    This sequence of commands:

  • Enters TSO or CMS
  • Defines the following file attributes:
  • A logical record length of 20,000 bytes (the maximum allowed in ITEQ is 32,760 bytes)
  • A block size of 3600 bytes
  • A variable record format
  • A physical sequential format
  • Defines an output file named ITEQDSK2 with the attributes specified before.
  • After defining a result output file, during your ITEQ session you can store the current result by executing the ITEQ FILE command:

    FILE iteqdsk2;

    When you log off ITEQ (or explicitly clear the output file during your ITEQ session, the result is stored and catalogued in your directory as “ITEQDSK2" or “ITEQDSK2 DATA A5".

    For complete information about the ITEQ FILE command, refer to the Interactive Teradata Query Reference (B035-2451). For more information about the TSO Attribute, Allocate, and Free commands, refer to the OS/VS2 TSO Command Language Reference Manual (IBM). For more information about the CMS Filedef command, refer to the VM/SP CMS Command and Macro Reference Manual.