Sends an ALERT event to Ecosystem Manager. If the pCtx parameter is null, the function returns immediately and no event is sent.
Wide character:
void MSM_WSendAlert( TMContext* pCtx, MSM_UOW* pUOW, wchar_t *szTDPID, wchar_t *szResourceId, wchar_t *szResourceType, wchar_t *szJobStep, int iAlertCode, int iSeverityLvl, wchar_t *szEventMsg);
Narrow character:
void MSM_OSendAlert( TMContext* pCtx, MSM_UOW* pUOW,char *szTDPID, char *szResourceId, char *szResourceType, char *szJobStep, int iAlertCode, int iSeverityLvl, char *szEventMsg);
TMContext* pCtx: Messaging context pointer returned by TM_Init.
MSM_UOW* pUOW: Unit of work pointer returned from MSM_OCreateUOW( );.
wchar_t *szTDPID: TDPID of the Teradata system where the utility is logged on.
wchar_t *szResourceId: Identifies the Ecosystem Manager Resource identifier that specifies the job.
wchar_t *szResourceType: Type of job.
wchar_t *szJobStep: Optional. Uniquely identifies the processing step for the utility.
int iAlertCode: Ecosystem Manager AlertCode.
int iSeverityLvl: One of three Ecosystem Manager severity codes (TMSM_SEVERITY_NORMAL, TMSM_SEVERITY_WARNING, or TMSM_SEVERITY_CRITICAL).
wchar_t *szEventMsg: Brief description of the error.