Returned Data Format
The Teradata OLE DB Access Module provides data to and receives data from Teradata
utilities in pmIDFBin1Plus format with indicator mode bits. In this format, each row consists of the following:
A 2‑byte record‑length indicator specifying the length of everything in the row except
the record‑length indicator
An indicator bit for each field specifying whether the field has data or is NULL
The actual row data
A new‑line character signifying the end‑of‑record
When creating job scripts, be sure to specify the following:
INDICATORS in the BEGIN LOADING command of a FastLoad job script
MODE INDICATOR in the .EXPORT command of a FastExport job script
INDICATORS in the .LAYOUT command of a MultiLoad job script
INDICATORS in the .LAYOUT command of a TPump job script
INDICDATA in the .IMPORT command of a BTEQ load job script
INDICDATA in the .EXPORT command of the BTEQ export job script
Yes in the IndicatorMode attribute value and Formatted in the Format attribute value of the DATACONNECTOR operator definition of a Teradata
PT job script