This example sets a FOR SESSION VOLATILE query band with the UPDATE option, verifies that the query band set is what was intended, and then shows that the existing query band has been updated to add the name:value pairs area=west, city=sandiego, tree=maple, and flower=rose.
Below is the initial SET QUERY_BAND to set the query band and write to DBC.SessionTbl.
SET QUERY_BAND = 'area=west;city=sandiego;tree=maple;flower=rose;' FOR SESSION;
Following is the SET QUERY_BAND statement with the UPDATE option.
SET QUERY_BAND = 'cat=siamese;dog=akita;' UPDATE FOR SESSION VOLATILE; *** Set QUERY_BAND accepted. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
The query band is now ‘cat=siamese;dog=akita;area=west;
city=sandiego;tree=maple;flower=rose’, as the following procedure call demonstrates.
CALL syslib.GetQueryBandSP(qb); *** Procedure has been executed. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. QueryBand ------------------------------------------------------------------- =S> cat=siamese;dog=akita;area=west;city=sandiego;tree=maple;flower=rose;
There should only be one row in DBC.SessionTbl and it should be for the following query band.
The following SELECT request shows that there is only one row in DBC.SessionTbl, and it is the row that was expected to be there.
SELECT queryband FROM DBC.SessionTbl WHERE queryband IS NOT NULL AND CHAR_LENGTH(queryband) > 0; *** Query completed. One row found. One column returned. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. QueryBand ----------------------------------------------------------------- city=sandiego;flower=rose;area=west;cat=asta;tree=maple;