Add the column or modify the column attributes.
ADD column_name modifies the column, if the table already contains the column or creates the column, if the table does not contain the column.
- The name of a column to add or change.
For information about naming database objects, see
Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Fundamentals, B035-1141.
- You cannot ADD a column that has the same name as named collected statistics.
- You cannot add an identity column to an existing table, nor can you add the identity column attribute to an existing column.
- ADD and DROP cannot both be specified on the same column in the same ALTER TABLE request.
- data type
- To add a column, you must specify a data type. To add a new column and, in certain cases, modify the data type and column attributes of an existing column, use this syntax:
ADD column_name
data type column attributes
- You can add a column with the NUMBER data type, increase the precision of an existing fixed NUMBER column, or increase the precision and scale of a fixed NUMBER data type. You can only modify the scale and precision for fixed NUMBER columns.
- For a floating NUMBER column, you cannot perform the following modifications:
- Decrease the precision.
- Decrease the scale.
- Increase the scale without also increasing the precision.
- Increase the scale and precision by different amounts.
- If you do not specify explicit formatting, the new column assumes the default format for the data type, which can be specified by a custom data formatting specification (SDF) defined by the tdlocaledef utility. See
Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities
, B035-1102
- Explicit formatting applies to the parsing and to the retrieval of character strings.
- For information on data types and data type attributes, see
Teradata Vantage™ - Data Types and Literals, B035-1143. For information on column storage and constraints attributes, see “Column and Table Constraints” in SQL Data Types and Literals
To increase the size of a BLOB, CLOB, or XML column, use this syntax:
ADD column_name data type column attributes
You cannot decrease the size of a column.
- You cannot use ALTER TABLE to change the size, character set, or storage format of a column defined with the JSON data type.
- column attributes
- To modify the attributes of an existing column, use this syntax:
ADD column_name column attributes
- INTO column_name
- Add the column set as a new column partition for table_name or to add the specified column set to the existing column partition.
- You use parentheses to group columns together into the same column partition.
- For information about naming database objects, see
Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Fundamentals, B035-1141.
- INTO column_name specifies a column in an existing column partition. The new columns are added to this column partition.
- If you do not specify INTO column_name, the new partition contains all of the columns in the group.
- You cannot use an ALTER TABLE request on a join index to add columns or column partitions.
- You cannot include columns with the JSON data type in a column partition.