This is an example of HELP COLUMN output for the following table definition, which includes a derived period column.
CREATE TABLE employee ( eid INTEGER NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, deptno INTEGER NOT NULL, jobstart DATE NOT NULL, jobend DATE NOT NULL, PERIOD FOR jobduration (jobstart, jobend) PRIMARY INDEX(eid);
Below is the HELP COLUMN output.
HELP COLUMN employee.jobduration;
Column Name | jobduration |
Type | PD |
Nullable | ? |
Format | ? |
Max Length | 0 |
Decimal Total Digits | ? |
Decimal Fractional Digits | ? |
Range Low | ? |
Range High | ? |
UpperCase | ? |
Table/View? | T |
Indexed? | ? |
Unique? | ? |
Primary? | ? |
Title | ? |
Column Constraint | ? |
Char Type | ? |
IdCol Type | ? |
UDT Name | ? |
Temporal Column | N |
Current ValidTime Unique | ? |
Sequenced ValidTime Unique | ? |
NonSequenced ValidTime Unique | ? |
Current TransactionTime Unique | ? |
Partitioning Column | N |
Column Partition Number | 0 |
Column Partition Format | NA |
Column Partition AC | NC |
Security Constraint | N |
Derived_UDT | PP |
Derived_UDT_FieldID | ? |
Column Dictionary Name | jobduration |
Column SQL Name | jobduration |
Column Name UEscape | ? |
Dictionary Title | ? |
SQL Title | ? |
Title UEscape | ? |
UDT Database Dictionary Name | ? |
UDT Database SQL Name | ? |
UDT Database Name UEscape | ? |
UDT Dictionary Name | ? |
UDT SQL Name | ? |
UDT Name UEscape | ? |
Without Overlaps Unique | ? |
Storage Format | ? |