Publishing a Security Policy - Teradata Database

Database Introduction

Teradata Database
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata® Database

To ensure administrators and users at your site understand and follow site-specific security procedures, the administrator should create a security handbook. The handbook should summarize how you are using Teradata Database security features for your database and should be published and made available to all users.

A security policy document should include:

  • Why security is needed.
  • Benefits for both the company and the users of adhering to the security policy.
  • A description of the specific implementation of Teradata Database security features at your site.
  • Suggested/required security actions for users and administrators to follow.
  • Whom to contact when security questions arise.
  • For more information on the topics presented in this chapter, see the following Teradata Database and Teradata Tools and Utilities books.


    IF you want to learn more about…


    Security concepts

    Security Administration


  • Security Administration
  • SQL Data Control Language
  • Database privileges, including information on how to use security-related SQL statements, such as GRANT and REVOKE.

    User authentication

    Security Administration

    User authorization, including detailed logon requirements for Teradata Database client applications

    the user guide for the respective application

    Data protection

    Security Administration

    Directory management of users

    Database security monitoring, including security-related system tables and views

    Data Dictionary

    Defining a security policy

    Security Administration

    Publishing a security policy