Existing Indexes Report - Teradata Index Wizard

Teradata Index Wizard User Guide

Teradata Index Wizard
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Existing Indexes Report provides a general view of the information about the table including index type, unique flags, and index names. This report is created when a workload is defined.

  • Select Reports > Current Workload > Existing Indexes Report.
  • – or –

    From the Reports toolbar, select .

  • Use the Reports toolbar to manage the report.
  • The following table explains the information in the report.


    Column Name


    Database Name

    Shows the name of the database.

    Table Name

    Shows the name of individual tables.


    Shows the list of columns (comma separated), which comprises the index.

    Index Type

    Shows the type of the index including:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Join
  • Unique primary index
  • Hash index
  • Cover index
  • Hash-ordered secondary index
  • Value-ordered secondary index
  • Partition primary index
  • Primary Amp index
  • Unique Flag

    Indicates whether the index is unique or not.

    Index Name

    Shows the name of the index, if present.

    Index Number

    Shows the number of the index.

    Index Used

    Shows if an index is used in the workload.

    Query Text

    Shows the text of the SQL statement.