TD Wallet - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
February 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The ODBC Operator supports TD Wallet with the following restrictions:

  • It is supported only in the DSNName, UserName, UserPassword, and ConnectString attributes of the ODBC Operator.
  • The syntax supported is limited to '$tdwallet(<key>)' where '$tdwallet' is to be specified in lower case only. And the value for the <key> should always begin with 'tptodbcoperator_' as its prefix. If not, the requested key will not be retrieved by the TPT ODBC Operator and a user error is reported. The prefix 'tptodbcoperator_' is case insensitive.

    For example, if a key named 'tptodbcoperator_MyPassword' has a value in the wallet as 'abcPassword' and the Operator definition is given as:

    VARCHAR UserPassword = '$tdwallet(tptodbcoperator_MyPassword)'

    the string '$tdwallet(tptodbcoperator_MyPassword)' will be replaced during the job execution as:

    VARCHAR UserPassword = 'abcPassword'

    No other combinations are supported.

  • If any other character is added to the TD Wallet calling syntax, the total string is treated as the attribute value.

    For example, if in the operator definition, the UserName is defined as:

    VARCHAR UserName = 'xxx$tdwallet(tptodbcoperator_Myusername)

    The string is not looked up in the TD Wallet and the total string 'xxx$tdwallet(tptodbcoperator_Myusername)' is treated as the UserName.

  • There is also a support for recursive key values to an extent of 15 recursions only, and in case of excess recursions, the job terminates with an error.

    For example if a key named 'tptodbcoperator_MyPassword' has a value in the wallet as '$tdwallet(tptodbcoperator_user1)' and the value in the Wallet for 'tptodbcoperator_user1' is stored as 'user1password', and the operator definition is given as:

    VARCHAR UserPassword = '$tdwallet(tptodbcoperator_MyPassword)'

    the string '$tdwallet(tptodbcoperator_MyPassword)' will be replaced during the job execution as:

    VARCHAR UserPassword = 'user1password'

    with 1 level of recursion.

  • In case the string used as the key to the value Teradata Wallet is not found, this results in the job termination.
  • When using the recursive strings for the TD Wallet support in the ODBC Operator, it is mandatory to have the resultant recursive values also have the key starting with 'tptodbcoperator_' except the last value, which you actually intend to use as the value for that ODBC Operator attribute.
  • When using the TD Wallet feature with the ConnectionString attribute, the value corresponding to the key provided should result in a complete or a minimal acceptable ConnectString, with which the ODBC Operator can establish a connection with the DataSource.
  • TD Wallet is not supported on the z/OS platform in the ODBC Operator.