Teradata will distribute the Teradata-branded Progress DataDirect ODBC Drivers.
The branded drivers are provided for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL, and MySQL only, and using these branded ODBC Drivers requires that a valid license copy be placed with the ODBC drivers, or these drivers will continue to display lengthy warning messages when a job is run. The license to use the branded drivers must be requested from Teradata by your site team. You cannot use your own private Progress DataDirect license for these branded drivers. You are not allowed to use the license and these branded drivers for any other product except for Teradata Parallel Transporter.
If you do not have a Progress DataDirect ODBC driver permanent license, contact your Teradata Account Representative or Teradata Customer Support to procure a permanent license for the bundled drivers. Alternatively, you can order the DataDirect Driver Connector license and drivers from Progress Software. For more information, refer to https://www.progress.com.