DIM Relationship Descriptions
The following table defines the DIM Relationship Descriptions. The diagram numbers refer to “Figure 10: Database Information Metamodel (DIM) (Sheet 1 of 2)” on page 40 and “Figure 11: Database Information Metamodel (DIM) (Sheet 2 of 2)” on page 41.
Relationship Name |
Number in Diagram |
Description |
SystemHasDatabases |
1 |
Associates databases with Teradata Database systems |
SystemHasNodes |
2 |
Associates nodes with Teradata Database systems |
DatabaseHasTables |
3 |
Associates tables with databases where they reside |
DatabaseHasViews |
4 |
Associates views with databases |
DatabaseHasMacros |
5 |
Associates macros with databases |
DatabaseHasStoredProcedures |
6 |
Associates stored procedures with databases |
DatabaseHasTriggers |
7 |
Associates triggers with databases |
DatabaseHasSubjectAreas |
8 |
Associates subject areas with databases |
DatabaseHasEntities |
9 |
Associates business entities with databases |
DatabaseHasRules |
10 |
Associates business rules with databases |
DatabaseOwnsDatabases |
11 |
Associates databases with owner databases |
BusEntityHasAttributes |
12 |
Associates attributes with business entities |
BusEntityTable |
13 |
Associates tables with business entities |
BusEntityView |
14 |
Associates views with business entities |
BusAttrViewColumn |
15 |
Associates view columns with business attributes |
BusAttrColumn |
16 |
Associates columns with business attributes |
BusAttrRules |
17 |
Associates rules with business attributes |
BusRuleValues |
18 |
Associates valid values with business rules |
SubjectAreaEntities |
19 |
Associates business entities with subject areas |
TableHasColumns |
20 |
Associates columns with tables |
TableHasIndices |
21 |
Associates indexes with tables |
IndexContainsColumns |
22 |
Associates columns with indexes |
TableHasCheckConstraints |
23 |
Associates check constraints with tables |
TableHasRefConstraints |
24 |
Associates reference constraints with tables |
ConstraintReferencesColumns |
25 |
Associates referenced columns with constraints |
TableHasTriggers |
26 |
Associates triggers with tables |
ColumnHasTriggers |
27 |
Associates triggers with columns |
ViewHasColumns |
28 |
Associates columns with views |
ViewHasTableColumns |
29 |
Associates table columns with views |
ViewReferencesViews |
30 |
Associates referenced views with other views |
ViewColReferencesTableCols |
31 |
Associates referenced table columns with view columns |
SPHasParameters |
32 |
Associates parameters with stored procedures |
SPReferencesTables |
33 |
Associates referenced tables with stored procedures |
SPReferencesViews |
34 |
Associates referenced views with stored procedures |
SPReferencesStoredProcedures |
35 |
Associates referenced stored procedures with other stored procedures |
SPReferencesMacros |
36 |
Associates referenced macros with stored procedures |
SPReferencesTableColumns |
37 |
Associates referenced table columns with stored procedures |
SPReferencesViewColumns |
38 |
Associates referenced view columns with stored procedures |
TriggerReferencesMacros |
39 |
Associates referenced macros with triggers |
MacroHasParameters |
40 |
Associates parameters with macros |
MacroReferencesTables |
41 |
Associates referenced tables with macros |
MacroReferencesViews |
42 |
Associates referenced views with macros |
MacroReferencesSPs |
43 |
Associates referenced stored procedures with macros |
MacroReferencesMacros |
44 |
Associates referenced macros with other macros |
MacroReferencesTriggers |
45 |
Associates referenced triggers with macros |
MacroReferencesTableColumns |
46 |
Associates referenced table columns with macros |
MacroReferencesViewColumn |
47 |
Associates referenced view columns with macros |
DatabaseHasHashIndexes |
48 |
Associates hash indexes with databases |
DatabaseHasJoinIndexes |
49 |
Associates join indexes with databases |
JoinIndexHasIndices |
50 |
Associates indexes with join indexes |
HashIndexHasIndices |
51 |
Associates indexes with hash indexes |
JoinIndexReferencesTables |
52 |
Associates referenced tables with join indexes |
JoinIndexReferencesTableColumns |
53 |
Associates referenced table columns with join indexes |
HashIndexReferencesTables |
54 |
Associates referenced tables with hash indexes |
SPReferencesJoinIndexes |
55 |
Associates referenced join indexes with stored procedures |
MacroReferencesJoinIndexes |
56 |
Associates referenced join indexes with macros |
SystemHasMetaLoadTypes |
57 |
Associates Metaload types with database systems |
ViewReferencesTables |
58 |
Associates referenced tables with views |
TableHasErrorTable |
59 |
Associates error tables with tables |
ViewColumnReferencesConstants |
60 |
Associates referenced constants with view columns |
TriggerReferencesTables |
61 |
Associates referenced tables with triggers |
HashIndexReferencesTableColumns |
62 |
Associates referenced table columns with hash indexes |
MacroReferencesHashIndexes |
63 |
Associates referenced hash indexes with macros |
SPReferencesHashIndexes |
64 |
Associates referenced hash indexes with stored procedures |
DatabaseHasUDTs |
65 |
Associates UDTs with databases |
UDTHasAttributes |
66 |
Associates UDT attributes with UDTs |
UDTHasFunctions |
67 |
Associates functions with UDTs |
DatabaseHasFunctions |
68 |
Associates functions with databases |
FunctionHasParameters |
69 |
Associates function parameters with functions |
ColumnHasUDT |
70 |
Associates UDTs with table columns |
ViewColumnHasUDT |
71 |
Associates UDTs with view columns |
MacroParameterHasUDT |
72 |
Associates UDTs with macro parameters |
SPParameterHasUDT |
73 |
Associates UDTs with SP parameters |
JoinIndexReferencesFunctions |
74 |
Associates referenced functions with join indexes |
MacroReferencesFunctions |
75 |
Associates referenced functions with macros |
SPReferencesFunctions |
76 |
Associates referenced functions with stored procedures |
TriggerReferencesUDTs |
77 |
Associates referenced UDTs with triggers |
TriggerReferencesFunctions |
78 |
Associates referenced functions with triggers |
UDTAttributeHasUDT |
79 |
Associates UDTs with UDT attributes |
ViewColumnReferencesFunctions |
80 |
Associates referenced functions with view columns |
FunctionParameterHasUDT |
81 |
Associates UDTs with function parameters |
FunctionCallUsesUDF |
82 |
Associates a function object that defines a call to a function with a referenced function |
FunctionReferencesFunctions |
83 |
Associates a function with another function |
ViewReferencesFunctions |
84 |
Associates a view with functions |
SystemHasSecurityConstraints |
85 |
Associates security constraints with a system |
ColumnHasSecurityConstraint |
86 |
Associates a security constraint with a table column |
SecurityConstraintHasUDFs |
87 |
Associates SYSLIB UDFs with security constraints |
SecurityConstraintHasValues |
88 |
Associates SecurityConstraintValues with security constraints |
UserHasSecurityConstraints |
89 |
Associates security constraints with users |
ViewColumnHasSecurityConstraint |
90 |
Associates a security constraint with a view column |
UserHasSecurityConstraintValues |
91 |
Associates security constraint values with users |
SystemHasSecurityConstraintValues |
92 |
Associates security constraint values with a system |
FunctionReturnsFunctionTable |
93 |
Associates functions with FunctionTable entries |
FunctionTableHasColumns |
94 |
Associates FunctionTable entries with Column class entries |
TableHasPartitioning |
95 |
Associates tables with their partitioning definitions |
JoinIndexHasPartitioning |
96 |
Associates join indexes with their partitioning definitions |
PartitioningReferencesTableColumns |
97 |
Associates a partitioning definition with the table columns referenced in the definition |
IndexHasPartitioning |
98 |
Associates a primary index definition with its partitioning definition |
UDTHasUDTCasts |
99 |
Associates UDT definitions with their cast definitions |
UDTCastHasCastFunction |
100 |
Associates UDTCast definitions with their cast function definitions |
UDTCastHasSecondaryUDT |
101 |
Associates UDTCast definitions with a second UDT definition that is the source or target data type |
UDTHasToSQLFunction |
102 |
Associates UDT definitions with the functions that transform data from an application to Teradata format |
UDTHasFromSQLFunction |
103 |
Associates UDT definitions with the functions that transform data from Teradata format to the application data format |
UDTHasOrderingRoutine |
104 |
Associates UDT definitions with the functions that generate a sort ordering for the UDT's data |
DerivedPeriodReferencesColumns |
105 |
Associates a derived period column with the table columns defining the derived period |
TableHasDerivedPeriodColumns |
106 |
Associates a table with its derived period columns |