C++ API Classes - Teradata Meta Data Services

Teradata Meta Data Services Programmer Guide

Teradata Meta Data Services
Release Number
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

C++ API Classes

MDS provides a C++ class library to access the MDS repository. The MDS repository is a set of tables within a Teradata Database specifically designed to manage meta data, and is created for you when you run the Create MDS Repository function after installing the MDS software. The C++ class library allows users to programmatically create application information metamodels (AIMs) to update and delete meta data objects, and to access collections of objects in the repository.

The following is a summary of the C++ classes available in the library. These APIs are described in detail in this document.


Table 1: C++ API Classes 


Class Name


Create and Maintain Objects and Collections



CMetaRepository Class

  • Connect to MDS
  • Manage transactions
  • Get object identifiers
  • CMetaObject Class

  • Create
  • Read
  • Maintain user-defined objects and collections
  • CMetaProperty Class

    Get and set attributes of objects

    CMetaFilterInfo Class

    Sets the search attributes of the filter for use in these functions:

  • GetClassObjectsByProperty
  • GetClassObjectRange
  • GetDestCollectionByProperty
  • GetOrigCollectionByProperty
  • ObjectKey Classes

    Get and set object keys

    Create and Maintain AIMs


    CMetaAIM Class

  • Create and manage AIMs
  • Create Class Description, Derived Class and Relationship Description objects
  • CMetaClassDesc Class

  • Manage class descriptions
  • Create Property Description and Derived Property objects
  • CMetaPropertyDesc Class

    Manage class property descriptions

    CMetaRelationshipDesc Class

    Manage relationship descriptions

    Create and Maintain Users, Application Groups, and SecurityProfiles


    CMetaApplicationGroup Class

    Define groups of users who have access to objects in the MDS repository

    CMetaUser Class

  • Create users
  • Change passwords
  • CMetaSecurityProfile Class

    Manage security profiles

    CMetaSecurityProfileEntry Class

    Get and set permissions in security profiles

    CMetaLabel Class

    Define labels and apply to objects in the repository.