create a map |
CREATE MAP or MAP privilege must be granted to the user or role.- Only sparse maps can be created. A sparse map is specific to the secure zone of the creator.
- The user must be granted the parent contiguous map to create a sparse map with CREATE MAP.
drop a map |
DROP MAP or MAP privilege.- Users and roles within a secure zone cannot drop a sparse map created in another secure zone and cannot drop a contiguous map.
grant/revoke map privileges from users or roles |
The user must have the map privilege WITH GRANT OPTION to grant or revoke a map privilege.- The CREATE MAP and DROP MAP privileges are system-level privileges (they cannot be granted/revoked on an object).
grant/revoke a map |
- A user must be granted the map WITH GRANT OPTION to grant or revoke that map to other users, roles, or PUBLIC. Roles cannot be granted a map WITH GRANT OPTION.
- The creator of a map is automatically granted the specified map WITH GRANT OPTION, which allows the creator to grant or revoke the created sparse map to users, PUBLIC, and roles.
- You must be in the same secure zone as the sparse map to grant or revoke it.
- The GRANT OPTION FOR clause cannot be specified when revoking a map from a role or PUBLIC.
- If GRANT OPTION FOR is specified, only the WITH GRANT OPTION is revoked.