The tdatAllowDeny attribute is similar to the filter type element in an IP XML document. It can contain one of the following values:
- TRUE defines the filter as a restrictive filter. A restrictive filter:
- Denies all IP addresses except those specifically allowed.
- Processes the tdatAllowedIP filter first, to determine the IP address or range of addresses allowed to access the database.
- Processes the tdatDeniedIP filter second, to identify any exceptions to the allowed IP addresses.
- FALSE defines the filter as permissive. A permissive filter:
- Allows all IP addresses except those specifically denied.
- Processes the tdatDeniedIP filter first, to determine the IP address or range of addresses denied access to the database.
- Processes the tdatAllowedIP filter second to identify any exceptions to the denied IP addresses.
For information on the function of restrictive and permissive filters, see Working with the Effects of Filter Type on allow and deny Elements.