- ON clause
- Accept the InputTable clause.
- IsInputDense
- Specify whether the input is dense or sparse.
- TargetColumn
- [Required with IsInputDense ('true'), disallowed otherwise.] Specify the InputTable categorical columns to be encoded. The maximum number of unique columns in the TargetColumn argument is 2018.
- CategoryCounts
- [Required with AutoApproach] Specify the category counts for each of the TargetColumns. The number of values in CategoryCounts must be the same as the number of TargetColumns.
- CategoricalValues
- [Required with Approach as LIST and a single target column] Specify the list of categories that need to be encoded in the desired order.
- AttributeColumn
- [Required with IsInputDense ('false'), disallowed otherwise.] Specify the name of the InputTable column of attributes.
- ValueColumn
- [Required with IsInputDense ('false'), disallowed otherwise.] Specify the name of the InputTable column of attribute values.
- TargetAttributes
- [Required with IsInputDense ('false'), disallowed otherwise.] Specify one or more attributes to encode in one-hot form. Every target_attribute must be in attribute_column.The number of characters in values specified in the TargetAttributes argument plus the number of characters in categories specified in the value column must be less than 128 characters.