Output Table Schema
The function produces an output table as follows.
Column | Data Type | Description |
FirstSampleVariance | DOUBLE PRECISION | Variance of first sample population. |
SecondSampleVariance | DOUBLE PRECISION | Variance of second sample population. |
VarianceRatio | DOUBLE PRECISION | FirstSampleVariance/SecondSampleVariance |
DF1 | INTEGER | Degrees of freedom of first sample. |
DF2 | INTEGER | Degrees of freedom of second sample. |
CriticalValue | DOUBLE PRECISION | Critical value calculated using Alpha for test. |
Alpha | DOUBLE PRECISION | alpha (seeOptional Syntax Elements for TD_FTest). |
p_value | DOUBLE PRECISION | Probability associated with F-test statistic. |
Conclusion | VARCHAR | F-test result, either 'reject null hypothesis' or 'fail to reject null hypothesis'. |