TD_SentimentExtractor Usage Notes | SentimentExtractor - TD_SentimentExtractor Usage Notes - Analytics Database

Database Analytic Functions

Analytics Database
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Sentiment extraction in machine learning is a natural language processing (NLP) technique used to analyze and classify the emotional tone of text data into positive, negative or neutral categories. This technique involves training a model on labeled data to learn the patterns and features that distinguish between different segments in text.

The main goal of sentiment extraction is to determine the underlying sentiment, emotion, or opinion expressed in each text. This information is valuable for businesses and organizations to understand their customer`s preferences, opinions, and reactions toward their products, services, or brand.

There are some common algorithms and techniques for sentiment extraction such as rule-based modeling, machine learning, lexicon-based approaches, and so on.
  • Rule-based modeling, defines a set of predefined rules to classify the sentiment of the text data.
  • Machine Learning (ML) algorithms use a supervised approach to train a classifier on labelled data.
  • Lexicon-based approaches use sentiment lexicons or dictionaries that contain a list of words and their associated sentiment polarity.

Sentiment extraction in machine learning has different applications, including sentiment analysis of customer reviews, social media monitoring, and market research. The accuracy of the sentiment extraction model depends on several factors, such as the quality of the labelled data, the choice of features, and the design of the model. Techniques such as ensemble learning, and transfer learning can be used to improve the performance of the model and generalize to new domains.

To train the sentiment extraction model, pre-processing of the text data is performed by cleaning and tokenizing the text data. Next, labeled data is used for training to recognize the sentiment of the text. This model uses various features, such as word frequency, sentiment lexicons, and part-of-speech tags, to predict the sentiment of the text. The accuracy of the model is evaluated on a validation set and the hyperparameters are tuned to optimize the performance of the model.

However, it is important to note that the accuracy of the sentiment extraction model depends on the quality of the training data, the choice of features, and the design of the model. It is essential to perform rigorous testing and evaluation of the model before deploying it in real-world applications.