Role Attributes and Options - Teradata Administrator

Teradata Administrator User Guide

Teradata Administrator
Release Number
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Table 18: Administer Roles Dialog Box Description 

Field or Control Name


Role Name

Select the role to administer. To create a new role, enter a new name.


Enter any descriptive text.


When this box is checked, the role is available to external directory users.

Note: There are restrictions on external roles. External roles cannot be granted to another role (either internal or external). Only individual rights and database roles can be granted to external roles.

For more information on external roles, see Database Administration, Security Administration, or SQL Data Definition Language.


Contains a list of all available users.

To assign this role to a user, select the user (or multiple users) and click Add --> or double-click a user to create an assignment.

To remove the role assignment select the user(s) in the Role Members list, and click <--Remove, or double click on the user.

If more than 25 users are selected, they are added or removed in batches of 25. Those that are successfully added are no longer selected. Those remaining to be assigned are still selected.

[Optional] Use Preview mode to view the generated SQL text before submitting it for processing. See “Preview Mode” on page 37.


This is a list of all available Roles. Add a role to the Members list to allow the user to acquire the rights of the role.

To move a role to the members list, highlight your selection in the Roles list, and click Add-->.

Note: Roles can only be nested within other roles to one level deep. For example, RoleA can be a member of RoleB only if it does not have other roles as members.

Role Members

This list contains all users and roles who are granted the right to use this role.

  • To grant rights to use this role, highlight your selections in the users or roles lists, and click Add-->, or double-click the user.
  • To make this role the Default Role for a user, check the left check box.
  • To give a user the right to administer this role, check the right check box.
  • To remove the right from a user or role, select the user(s) and click <--Remove, or double click the user.
  • To remove all users and roles who have been granted the right to use this role, click <==Clear.
  • If more than 25 users are selected, they are added or removed in batches of 25. Those that are successfully added are no longer selected. Those remaining to be assigned are still selected.

    Note: If a user is removed from the role that is their default, the default role is automatically set to null.

    With Admin Option

    When selected, all users added as members of this role are automatically granted administrative rights over this role.