Smart Load Data Types for Vantage Tables | Teradata Studio/Studio Express - Smart Load Data Types for Vantage Tables - Teradata Studio

Teradata® Studio™ Express User Guide - 17.20

Teradata Studio
Release Number
September 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following data types are supported in the Smart Load Wizard for Vantage tables.

Teradata Data Type Description
BYTE Fixed length binary string
CHARACTER Fixed length character string. In Size type the size limit of the character string.
CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT Large character string
DATE A date consisting of year/month/day
DECIMAL Decimal number with fixed number of digits and a fixed number of digits to the right of the decimal point
DOUBLE PRECISION Floating-point data type. There are no additional options.
FLOAT Floating point number
INTEGER 32-bit binary integer. There are no additional options.
INTERVAL There are no additional options.
INTERVAL DAY An interval defining a period of time in days
INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR An interval defining a period of time in days and hours
INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE An interval defining a period of time in days, hours and
INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND An interval defining a period of time in days, hours, minutes and seconds
INTERVAL HOUR An interval defining a period of time in hours
INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE An interval defining a period of time in hours and minutes
INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND An interval defining a period of time in hours, minutes and seconds
INTERVAL MINUTE An interval defining a period of time in minutes
INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND An interval defining a period of time in minutes and seconds
INTERVAL MONTH An interval defining a period of time in months
INTERVAL SECOND An interval defining a period of time in seconds
INTERVAL YEAR An interval defining a period of time in years
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH An interval defining a period of time in years and months
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) text-based, data interchange format used in web applications to transmit data
NUMERIC Numeric data such as integers, real numbers, and floating-point numbers.
PERIOD(DATE) A period of dates consisting of year/month/day. (This type is available only for Teradata 13 and later.)
PERIOD(TIME) A period of times consisting of hour/minute/second/fractional second. (This type is available only for Teradata 13 and later.)
PERIOD(TIME WITH TIME ZONE) A PERIOD(TIME) with displacements from UTC. (This type is available only for Teradata 13 and later.)
PERIOD(TIMESTAMP) A period of timestamps consisting of year/month/day/hour/minute/second/fractional second. (This type is available only for Teradata 13 and later.)
REAL Floating-point data type. No additional options.
SMALLINT 16-bit binary integer. There are no additional options to enter.
TEXT In Size type the limit of the text size.
TIME A time consisting of hour/minute/second/fractional second
TIME WITH TIME ZONE A TIME with a displacement from UTC
TIMESTAMP A timestamp consisting of year/month/day/hour/minute/second/fractional second
VARBYTE Variable length binary string
VARCHAR Variable length character string
XML (Extensible Markup Language) text-based, data format used for application integration to format messages passed between applications and as a document format for storing data