The following data types are supported in the Smart Load Wizard for Vantage tables.
Teradata Data Type | Description |
BYTE | Fixed length binary string |
CHARACTER | Fixed length character string. In Size type the size limit of the character string. |
CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT | Large character string |
DATE | A date consisting of year/month/day |
DECIMAL | Decimal number with fixed number of digits and a fixed number of digits to the right of the decimal point |
DOUBLE PRECISION | Floating-point data type. There are no additional options. |
FLOAT | Floating point number |
INTEGER | 32-bit binary integer. There are no additional options. |
INTERVAL | There are no additional options. |
INTERVAL DAY | An interval defining a period of time in days |
INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR | An interval defining a period of time in days and hours |
INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE | An interval defining a period of time in days, hours and |
INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND | An interval defining a period of time in days, hours, minutes and seconds |
INTERVAL HOUR | An interval defining a period of time in hours |
INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE | An interval defining a period of time in hours and minutes |
INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND | An interval defining a period of time in hours, minutes and seconds |
INTERVAL MINUTE | An interval defining a period of time in minutes |
INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND | An interval defining a period of time in minutes and seconds |
INTERVAL MONTH | An interval defining a period of time in months |
INTERVAL SECOND | An interval defining a period of time in seconds |
INTERVAL YEAR | An interval defining a period of time in years |
INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH | An interval defining a period of time in years and months |
JSON | (JavaScript Object Notation) text-based, data interchange format used in web applications to transmit data |
NUMERIC | Numeric data such as integers, real numbers, and floating-point numbers. |
PERIOD(DATE) | A period of dates consisting of year/month/day. (This type is available only for Teradata 13 and later.) |
PERIOD(TIME) | A period of times consisting of hour/minute/second/fractional second. (This type is available only for Teradata 13 and later.) |
PERIOD(TIME WITH TIME ZONE) | A PERIOD(TIME) with displacements from UTC. (This type is available only for Teradata 13 and later.) |
PERIOD(TIMESTAMP) | A period of timestamps consisting of year/month/day/hour/minute/second/fractional second. (This type is available only for Teradata 13 and later.) |
REAL | Floating-point data type. No additional options. |
SMALLINT | 16-bit binary integer. There are no additional options to enter. |
TEXT | In Size type the limit of the text size. |
TIME | A time consisting of hour/minute/second/fractional second |
TIME WITH TIME ZONE | A TIME with a displacement from UTC |
TIMESTAMP | A timestamp consisting of year/month/day/hour/minute/second/fractional second |
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE | A TIMESTAMP with a displacement from UTC |
VARBYTE | Variable length binary string |
VARCHAR | Variable length character string |
XML | (Extensible Markup Language) text-based, data format used for application integration to format messages passed between applications and as a document format for storing data |