The following options are available from the Tools (Alt-T) menu.
- Change Connection… — Bring up the ODBC connection dialog to specify which system this session of Teradata Warehouse Miner will connect to. This is described in detail below.
- Connection Properties — Bring up the Connection Properties dialog to display and/or change connection, project and analysis properties. This is described in detail below.
- Metadata Maintenance… — Bring up the Metadata Maintenance dialog to maintain the projects and analyses stored in the current metadata database. This is described in detail below.
Publish Maintenance… — If not using the Teradata Profiler product, bring up the Published Models dialog to maintain the analytic data sets and models stored in the current Publish Tables that pass information to the Teradata Model Manager application.
This is described in detail below. Note, however, that the Teradata Profiler product does not include publishing related functions.
- Advertise Maintenance… — Bring up the Advertise Maintenance dialog to maintain the output advertisements in the Advertise Output metadata tables in the current advertise database. This is described in detail below.
- Metadata Creation — The metadata tables can be created either With Fallback or Without Fallback. See Installing Metadata for more information.
Publish Tables Creation — If not using the Teradata Profiler product, the metadata tables that support the publishing of models for the Model Manager application can be created either With Fallback or Without Fallback using this option.
See Installing Publish Metadata for more information. Note, however, that the Teradata Profiler product does not include publishing related functions.
- Advertise Tables Creation — The Advertise Output metadata tables can be created either With Fallback or Without Fallback. When either of these options is selected, the metadata tables, views and macros for advertising output are created in the Advertise Database, as specified on the Connection Properties dialog (replacing any previous tables, views and macros with the same names that might already exist there). An additional option to Replace Views and Macros Only is offered to replace just the views and macros without affecting the underlying metadata tables.
- ODBC Administrator… — Bring up the ODBC Administrator to add, delete or modify ODBC data sources.
View Logs — Sub-menu items to View Error Log, View Execution Log or View Info Log are offered. The Error Log, Execution Log and Info Log can be requested to help provide support for the product if the information is not considered sensitive.
- The Error Log contains information about errors that have occurred during execution, including SQL errors. Information logged to the Error Log typically includes the SQL that failed, if appropriate, and information about the parameters in effect for the analysis that failed, if appropriate (i.e., the same information logged by selecting Project window and selecting the same option). or by right-clicking on an analysis in the
- The Execution Log includes all messages generated by the Teradata Warehouse Miner analyses that are displayed in the Execution Status area. Each entry includes the name of the Analysis, the Status and the Message.
- The Info Log includes information about the last three times the application has been executed, including the versions of various supporting software components and the options used in ODBC connections.
- Delete Logs — Sub-menu items to Delete Error Log, Delete Execution Log or Delete Info Log are offered. The Error Log accumulates error messages until deleted, as does the Execution Log. The Info Log keeps information about only the last three executions of the product, so is limited in its growth.
- Preferences — Bring up the Preferences screens as described in detail below.