Creating a Diagnostic Bundle for Support - Data Stream Architecture

Teradata Data Stream Architecture (DSA) User Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Release Number
November 2017
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Teradata DSA provides a command-line, interactive script to collect:
  • Current time on the server
  • Component versions, for the Teradata Database, DSC, DSA Network Client, NetBackup, Viewpoint, BAR Command Line, ActiveMQ
  • General system configurations, such as the number of media servers, DSC server status
  • Property files and logs for the DSC component and the DSA Network Client
This information is useful for troubleshooting by Teradata Customer Support.
The script is installed in the root directory associated with a DSA installation package:
  • $DSA_DSC_ROOT on the DSC server
  • $CLIENTHANDLER_ROOT on a media server
  • $BARCMDLINE_ROOT on the command line server
  1. [Optional] To set up an SSH trust relationship between the DSC server and BAR servers or remote servers, run with the following syntax: [-a] [-l <hosts>] [-u user] [-v] [-h]
    Parameter Description
    -a Sets trusted relations between the DSC server and other BAR servers.
    -l hosts Sets trusted relations to the listed hosts.

    Host names must be separated by commas.

    -u user Specify login user name.

    You must use this parameter with the -a or -l parameter.

    -v Displays the script version.
    -h Displays help.
  2. Run on a server to collect local information, using the following syntax: [-b <nbu jid>][-c][-d <path>][g][-h][-i][-j <job>][-s <timestamp>][-t][-v][-x]
    Parameter Description
    -b nbu jobid Collects NetBackup job information. Enter the NetBackup job ID as nbu jobid.
    -c Collects core dumps for the DSA Network Client.
    -d path Specifies the dump directory path.

    Default: /var/opt/teradata/dsa/support/hostname_current timestamp

    -g Collects general support information.
    -h Displays help.
    -i Collects installation logs.
    -j job Collect job information. Enter the job name as job.
    -s timestamp Collects logs for the date and time specified in the timestamp.

    Specify the timestamp in the following format, for example, 2015-05-15 09:50.

    -t Triggers a TVI event.

    If the -t parameter has been used to trigger a TVI event, the data is zipped. If the 50 MB limit per TVI event is exceeded, the support bundle is split into multiple zip files, and a separate TVI event is triggered for each zip file.

    The zip files are copied to /var/opt/teradata/SupportBundle/. You can access the unzipped files in the dump directory specified by the -d parameter.

    -v Displays the script version.
    -x Bypasses all user prompts.
After the script runs, files specific to the local server are output and can include:
  • Component information in .out files
  • Job output xml and .out files
  • Log files
  • Property files
  • DSA Network Client core dumps
The output directory is /var/opt/teradata/dsa/support/hostname_current timestamp or a user-specified directory.