The delete_job command deletes a DSA job and any data associated with it from the DSC repository. Any logs and job history are deleted and cannot be restored. Any backup save sets created for the job that exist on devices managed by third-party solutions must be deleted manually using the interface for that solution.
dsc delete_job -n|-name Name
dsc delete_job -n job1 -S
- n|name Name
- The name of the job on which to perform the action. Must be unique for each job.
- S|Skip_prompt SkipPrompt
- [Optional] Skips displaying a confirmation message before performing the command action.
- u|user_authentication User
- Required when security management is enabled. Supplies the command with the Viewpoint user, and triggers a password prompt for authentication.
Usage Notes
Generally, to delete a backup job, you must retire it first. There is one exception: you can also delete an active backup job if its status is New.
A backup job cannot be deleted if there are restore or analyze jobs associated with it.
XML File Example
This command does not support an XML file.