You must create two restore jobs from the two backup job save sets. One includes only the DBC database and one includes all the databases under DBC and excludes DBC.
The backup jobs must have successfully completed to create restore jobs from the save sets.
Before restoring the DBC database, the target system must be reinitialized by running SYSINIT.
On the target system, run the DBS Database Initializing Program (DIP) and execute the following:
- For Teradata Database 15.0 and higher, run DIPMIG script, which runs DIPERRS, DIPDB, DIPVIEWS, DIPVIEWSV, and DIPBAR.
- For Teradata Database 14.10, run DIPERRS, DIPVIEWS, and DIPBAR scripts (1, 4, and 21).
- Check the Time Zone setting status on the target system, and disable the setting if it is enabled.
From the BAR Setup portlet, check the activation status of the system that has been reinitialized by SYSINIT and perform one of the following:
- If the target system is configured and enabled in the BAR Setup portlet, click Deactivate System to deactivate the target system, and then click Update system selector for JMS Messages.
- If the target system is not configured in the BAR Setup portlet, add the system and click Activate System before the restore can proceed.
- On the target system, start DSMain from the Database Window (DBW) console supervisor screen by entering: start bardsmain -d DSCName , where DSCName is the unique name of your DSA server
- After DSMain starts, activate the system in the BAR Setup portlet.
- On the target system, from the Database Window (DBW) console supervisor screen, type enable dbc logons to enable logons for the DBC user only.
From the BAR Operations Saved Jobs view, create a restore job from the backup job save set that saved only the DBC database:
on the backup job created for DBC only, and select Create Restore Job.
- Enter a Job Name, such as Restore-DBC-Only.
- Select a Destination System from the list.
- When prompted, enter login credentials for the current DBC user and password for the target DBS.
- Select a Target Group from the list.
- Click to enter the credentials for the DBC user and password of the source system at the time the backup save set was generated.
- Click Save.
on Restore-DBC-Only and select Run.
- If there are any errors, follow the instructions in the log file to correct the problem and run the post dbc script again. The post restore script output log files are saved in /var/opt/teradata/tdtemp/post_restore_dbs version .
After the DBC restore is complete, the DBC password is set to the source system's DBC password. -
From the BAR Operations Saved Jobs view, create a SYSLIB database restore job from the backup job save set of the databases under DBC, excluding DBC:
on the backup job created for the databases under DBC, and select Create Restore Job.
- Enter a Job Name, such as Restore-SYSLIB.
- Select a Destination System from the list.
- When prompted, enter login credentials for the current DBC user and password for the target DBS.
- Select a Target Group from the list.
- On the Objects tab, clear the top checkbox, then expand the tree and select the checkbox for only SYSLIB.
- Click Save.
on Restore-SYSLIB and select Run.
From the BAR Operations Saved Jobs view, create a restore job from the backup job save set of the databases under DBC, excluding DBC:
on the backup job for the databases under DBC, and select Create Restore Job.
- Enter a Job Name, such as Restore-DBC-All.
- Select a Destination System from the list.
- When prompted, enter login credentials for the current DBC user and password for the target DBS.
- Select a Target Group from the list.
- For Teradata Database 15.00 or later, clear the checkbox for TD_SERVER_DB in the Objects tab. TD_SERVER_DB has some dependencies that must be met before it can be restored.
- Click Save.
on Restore-DBC-All and select Run.
- If there are any errors, follow the instructions in the log file to correct the problem and run the post data script again. The post restore script output log files are saved in /var/opt/teradata/tdtemp/post_restore_dbs version .
For Teradata Database 15.00 or later, from the BAR Operations Saved Jobs view, create a TD_SERVER_DB restore job from the backup job save set of the databases under DBC, excluding DBC:
on the backup job for the databases under DBC, and select Create Restore Job.
- Enter a Job Name, such as Restore-TD_SERVER_DB.
- Select a Destination System from the list.
- When prompted, enter login credentials for the current DBC user and password for the target DBS.
- Select a Target Group from the list.
- On the Objects tab, clear the top checkbox, then expand the tree and select the checkbox for only TD_SERVER_DB.
- Click Save.
on Restore-TD_SERVER_DB and select Run.
- On the target system, run the DBS Database Initializing Program (DIP) and execute the DIPALL script.
- If you disabled the Time Zone setting on the target system, enable it.
- On the target system, from the Database Window (DBW) consoles supervisor screen, enable logons for all users.