The ddrm command deletes files from a storage unit on a Data Domain device. This executable is provided by the AXMDDboost package, and is not run using the DSC command-line utility.
ddrm -h|--host Hostname-s|--storageunit Storage Unit -u|--user User-f|--force pattern
ddrm -h ddserver -s ddstorage -u dduser "backupjob_1234_*"
- h|host Hostname
- The hostname or IP address of the Data Domain server to which to connect.
- s|storageunit Storage Unit
- The storage unit on the Data Domain server to query.
- u|user User
- The user account to use for logging onto the Data Domain server.
- -f|--force
- [Optional] Removes the files without prompting the user for confirmation.
- pattern
- The pattern field is a required field that specifies which file names should be deleted. You can provide wildcards; all files matching the wildcard are removed. Enclose the wildcard file names in double quotes so that the Linux shell does not expand the wildcard prior to starting the utility.
Usage Notes
If you do not specify the host, storageunit, or user parameters, you will be prompted for them. You will also be prompted for the logon password.
If the force option is not used, the list of files matching the specified names or wildcards will be displayed prior to deletion. You will be prompted to confirm the file deletions by entering yes to the confirmation prompt (the full word is required), or no to abort the deletion.
XML File Example
This command does not support an XML file.