Cluster - RESULTS - Similarity Graph - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 3Analytic Functions

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
February 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
  1. On the Clustering dialog box, click RESULTS.
  2. Click similarity graph.
    Clustering > Results > Similarity Graph

    The Similarity graph allows plotting the means and variances of up to twelve clusters and twelve variables at one time. The cluster means (i.e., the mean values of the variables for the data points assigned to the cluster) are displayed with values varying along the x-axis. A different line parallel to the x-axis is used for each variable. The normalized variances are displayed for each variable by color-coding, and the clusters are identified by number next to the point graphed. Roughly speaking, the more spread out the points on the graph, the more differentiated the clusters are. The following options are available:
    • Non-Normalized — The default value to show the clusters without any normalization.
    • Normalized — With the Normalized option, the cluster mean is divided by the largest absolute mean.
    • Variables
      • Available — The variables that were input into the Clustering analysis.
      • Selected — The variables that will be shown on the Similarity graph. Up to twelve variables can be entered here. selected to be shown on the Similarity graph
    • Clusters
      • Available — A list of clusters generated in the clustering solution.
      • Selected — The clusters that will be shown on the Similarity graph. Up to twelve clusters can be selected to be shown on the Similarity graph.