In this example, a Median test analysis is performed on the fictitious banking data to analyze account usage.
Parameterize a Median Test analysis as follows:
- Available Tables — twm_customer
- Column of Interest — income
- Columns — marital_status
- Group By Columns — years_with_bank
Analysis Parameters
- Threshold Probability — 0.01
- Run the analysis.
Click Results when it completes.
For this example, the Median Test analysis generated the following table. The Median Test was computed on income over marital_status by years_with_bank.
Results were sorted by years_with_bank. The tests shows that values came from populations with the same median where MedianCallP_0.01 = ‘a’ (accept null hypothesis) and from populations with different medians where it is ‘p’ (reject null hypothesis).The SQL is available for viewing but not listed below.Median Test years_with_bank ChiSq DF MedianPValue MedianPText MedianCallP_0.01 0 12.13288563 3 0.007361344 p 1 12.96799683 3 0.004848392 p 2 13.12480388 3 0.004665414 p 3 8.504645761 3 0.038753824 a 4 4.458333333 3 0.225502846 a 5 15.81395349 3 0.001527445 p 6 4.531466733 3 0.220383974 a 7 11.35971787 3 0.009950322 p 8 2.855999742 3 0.25 >0.25 a 9 2.23340311 3 0.25 >0.25 a