In this example, a Wilcoxon test analysis is performed on the fictitious banking data to analyze account usage.
Parameterize a Wilcoxon Test analysis as follows:
- Available Tables — twm_customer_analysis
- First Column — avg_ck_bal
- Second Column — avg_sv_bal
- Group By Columns — years_with_bank
Analysis Parameters
- Threshold Probability — 0.05
- Single Tail — false (default)
- Include Zero — false (default)
- Run the analysis.
Click Results when it completes.
For this example, the Wilcoxon Test analysis generated the following table. The Wilcoxon Test was computed for each distinct value of the group by variable “gender”. The tests show the samples of avg_ck_bal and avg_sv_bal came from populations with the same mean or median for customers with years_with_bank of 0, 4-9, and from populations with different means or medians for those with years_with_bank of 1-3. An ‘n’ or ‘p’ means significant and an ‘a’ means accept the null hypothesis.The SQL is available for viewing but not listed below.
Wilcoxon Test years_with_bank N Z_ WilcoxonPValue WilcoxonCallP_0.05 0 75 -1.77163 0.07639 a 1 77 -3.52884 0.00042 n 2 83 -2.94428 0.00324 n 3 69 -2.03882 0.04145 n 4 69 -0.56202 0.57412 a 5 67 -1.95832 0.05023 a 6 65 -1.25471 0.20948 a 7 48 -0.44103 0.65921 a 8 39 -1.73042 0.08363 a 9 33 -1.45623 0.14539 a