Binomial Sign Test - INPUT - Data Selection - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 3Analytic Functions

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
February 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
  1. On the Binomial Tests dialog box, click INPUT.
  2. Click data selection.
    Binomial Sign Test > Input > Data Selection

  3. On this screen, select:
    • Select Input Source — Users may select between different sources of input.

      By selecting the Input Source Table, the user can select from available databases, tables (or views) and columns in the usual manner. By selecting the Input Source Analysis, however, the user can select directly from the output of another analysis of qualifying type in the current project. Analyses that may be selected from directly include all of the Analytic Data Set (ADS) and Reorganization analyses (except Refresh). In place of Available Databases, the user may select from Available Analyses, while Available Tables then contains a list of all the output tables that are eventually produced by the selected analysis, or it contains a single entry with the name of the analysis under the label Volatile Table, representing the output of the analysis that is ordinarily produced by a Select statement.

    • Select Columns From a Single Table
      • Available Databases (or Analyses) — These are the databases (or analyses) available to be processed.
      • Available Tables — These are the tables and views that are available to be processed.
      • Available Columns — These are the columns within the table/view that are available for processing.
    • Select Statistical Test Style — These are the binomial tests available (Binomial, Sign). Select “Sign”.
    • Select Optional Columns
      • Selected Columns — Select columns by highlighting and then either dragging and dropping into the Selected Columns window, or click the arrow button to move highlighted columns into the Selected Columns window.
      • Column/Group By Columns — Note that the Selected Columns window is a split window; you can insert columns as Column, or Group By Columns. Make sure you have the correct portion of the window highlighted.
        • Column — The column that specifies the first variable for the Binomial Test analysis.
        • Group By Columns — The column(s) that specifies the variable(s) whose distinct value combinations will categorize the data, so a separate test is performed on each category.