In this example, a Binomial analysis is performed on the fictitious banking data to analyze account usage.
Parameterize the Binomial analysis as follows:
- Available Tables — twm_customer_analysis
- Column — female
- Group By Columns — years_with_bank
Analysis Parameters
- Threshold Probability — 0.05
- Single Tail — true
- Run the analysis.
Click Results when it completes.
For this example, the Binomial Sign analysis generated the following. The Binomial was computed on the Boolean variable “female” by years_with_bank. The one-sided test of the null hypothesis that p is ½ accepted for all cases except years_with_bank=2 as shown in the table below.
Tutorial - Binomial Sign Analysis years_with_bank N NPos NNeg BP BinomialCallP_0.05 0 88 51 37 0.08272 a 1 87 48 39 0.195595 a 2 94 57 37 0.024725 p 3 86 46 40 0.295018 a 4 78 39 39 0.545027 a 5 82 46 36 0.160147 a 6 83 46 37 0.19 a 7 65 36 29 0.22851 a 8 45 26 19 0.185649 a 9 39 23 16 0.168392 a