Ecosystem Manager lets you schedule and generate reports on application availability.
In the Ecosystem Configuration portlet, click Global Parameters to set up the schedule.
- [Optional] Edit the number of days included in the report.
[Optional] Enter the Cron schedule for Application Availability Report.
The default setting runs the report at 0:00 on the first day of every month.
- Click Apply.
Click Servers, then select a server.
- Make sure Add to application availability report is selected.
- Click Apply.
Click Daemons, then select a server.
- Make sure Add to application availability report is selected.
- Click Apply.
View the generated reports (availreport.csv & availreport_daemon.csv) in the /opt/teradata/emserver/files/report/ on the Ecosystem Manager Server.
The report(availreport.csv) includes columns for Application Name, Period, UpTime, DownTime unplanned, DownTime planned, TotalUpTime(%), and TotalDownTime(%). The Daemon level Report (availreport_daemon.csv) includes columns for Daemon Name, Application Name, OutageStartTimeStamp, OutageEndTimeStamp, and OutagePeriod.