Application State | Default Value | Description |
Enable application state aggregation | Yes | Re-calculate and update the aggregate application states at the daemon/daemon group, individual TDPID, and overall TDPID/table levels |
Archive/Purge Process Parameters | Default Value | Description |
Cron schedule for archive | 0 12 * * 6 | Minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week |
Weeks of archives to keep | 5 | |
Days of component metric data to keep on purge | 2 | |
Days of state history to keep on purge | 365 | |
Days of table activity history to keep on purge | 14 | |
Days of job history to keep on purge | 14 |
Application Availability Report Parameters | Default Value | Description |
Days of Application Availability | 30 | Days of Application Availability in the report. |
Schedule for Application Availability Report | 0 0 1 * * | Cron schedule for how often to generate the report. |
Data Seeding Parameters | Default Value | Description |
Maximum selected objects | 5000 | |
Teradata system (truth) | NONE | The data in this system is considered correct and true as per the user's configuration and is used to compare with other systems selected in Teradata System 2, Teradata System 3, and Teradata System 4. |
Teradata System 2 | NONE | |
Teradata System 3 | NONE | |
Teradata System 4 | NONE | |
Time out for post restore script | 3600 |
Event Ingest Job Parameters | Default Value |
Accept command line state change events | Yes |
Maximum time per batch (ms) | 10000 |
Maximum number of messages per batch | 5000 |
Next message timeout (ms) | 400 |
Polling Process Parameter | Default Value |
Time between threshold polling (ms) | 30000 |
Self-Registration Control Parameters | Default Value |
Enable self-registration for all controls | Yes |
Register a job's table dependencies to application automatically | Yes |
Register new applications automatically | Yes |
Register application and job resource relationships automatically | Yes |
Register job and component relationships automatically | Yes |
Register table and job relationships automatically | Yes |
Register new TDPIDs automatically | Yes |
Create all TDPID comparison rules automatically | Yes |
Create thresholds based on component metric name automatically | Yes |
Create all TDPID step comparison rules automatically | Yes |
Unity Managed Tables | Default Value |
Disable Unity managed tables polling | Yes |
Unity managed tables polling frequency | 3 |