Diagnostic Options - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
October 2021
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following information is meaningful when consulting with Teradata customer support personnel; when applicable, it is presented to aid in diagnosis without having to re-create the problem.

The information displayed varies according to which options, or combination of options are specified when issuing the DISPLAY CP command. Each option and the possible resulting display information is provided.


  • Request number
  • Session number
  • State of the request as follows:
State Description
ACTIVE The request has been sent.
PENDING The request is waiting to be sent.


Issuing the DETAIL option causes a listing of diagnostic information for the CP to be displayed.

If communication status of the CP is not normal, the following information displays:
  • The CP number
  • The status (NOT OPERATIONAL, OPERATIONAL, INIT'ING, SYNC'ING, and QUIESCED) as previously defined.
  • The number of requests and bytes transferred, and I/Os issued for the output device
  • The number of responses and bytes transferred, and I/Os issued for the input device
  • The total number of messages and bytes transferred, and IO/s issued (if relevant to CP selection)
If meaningful, the following information displays for output and input devices:
  • The number of I/O buffers associated with any current I/O
  • The maximum number of buffers used for any one I/O
  • The number of times an I/O was limited by the maximum number of blocks per I/O
  • The number of times an I/O was limited by the maximum amount of virtual storage available for I/O
If information is not meaningful, it might not be displayed.
If meaningful, the following additional information displays for output devices:
  • The number of I/O buffers associated with any I/O being constructed
  • The number of times a delay was incurred to wait for an I/O buffer
If meaningful, the following additional information displays for input devices:
  • The number of attempts to obtain an I/O buffer that failed
  • The number of times a delay was incurred to wait for a TDP 992-byte cell
  • If there is a current delay waiting for a 992-byte cell
The following information displays for CPs utilizing the CCU operand on the START command:
  • The I/O buffer utilization information for each device
  • The protocol structure that is expected from the database (if the communication protocol is being initialized)
  • Which CP explicit SP or implicit SP associated with the CP will be used (if the communication protocol is being synchronized and a Configuration Request is to be sent)
  • The number of SPs remaining (if the communication protocol is being synchronized and SPs are being synchronized)
  • Whether all or only dependent SPs are involved (if the communication protocol is being synchronized and SPs are being synchronized)
If communication has been lost, the following information displays:
  • A count of how many times such an event has occurred for this CP
  • The status of the input and output devices as follows:
    Status Description
    DOWN The device has stopped responding.
    RECOVERED A down device has begun responding.
    INVOLVED The device will be recovered but has not yet been found to be down.
    OBLIVIOUS The device is not affected by the loss of communication of the other device.


Issuing the LOCATION option causes a listing of diagnostic information concerning the physical location of the CP within the database including:
  • The cabinet
  • The processor-id within the cabinet
If the database does not supply information about the physical location, no location information is displayed.


Issuing the PROTOCOL option causes a listing of diagnostic information about the communication protocol being used by the CP.

The following information displays for CPs utilizing the CCU operand on the START command:
  • Any explicit SP-number and the rounding factor
  • The maximum number of bytes per block
  • The maximum number of bytes per structure
  • The type of channel attachment
The following information displays for CPs not requiring the CCU operand:
  • The maximum number of bytes per block and the database's default value
  • The maximum number of blocks per I/O and the database’s default value


Issuing the SELECT option causes a listing of diagnostic information for the selection of the CP for sending requests. When appropriate for the current operation, the information can include:
  • The relative power of the CP to other CPs
  • The origin of other CPs when this CP was started


Issuing the CHECKSUM option causes the status of checksum in effect for a CCU-type CP to be displayed. The information can include:
  • The status (ON, OFF or AUTO) of the last CONFIG CP CHECKSUM command
  • The number of times that the database has activated checksum (if the status is AUTO)
    If the status is AUTO, ACTIVE indicates that checksum has been activated by the database and INACTIVE indicates that it has not.
  • The number of messages sent to the database with checksums (if checksums have been processed)
  • The number of messages received from the database with checksums (if checksums have been processed)