Defining a Workload
A workload is a set of SQL statements created or defined using the Workload Definition
dialog box. Teradata Index Wizard creates several workload reports after a workload
is defined.
Workloads can be defined in the following ways:
Using Database Query Log (DBQL) - The Database Query Log (DBQL) provides the capability to store, in system tables,
the performance-related data for a request.
For more information, see “Defining a Workload From DBQL Statements” on page 53.
Using Statement Text - SQL statements can be directly keyed into a workload. The SQL statements can also
be selected from one or more files.
For more information, see “Defining a Workload Using Statement Text” on page 58.
From QCD Statements - An existing set of execution plans in a QCD can be selected to form a workload.
The workload is created in the QCD in which the execution plans exist.
For more information, see “Defining a Workload From QCD Statements” on page 60.
Importing Workload - Users can import workloads from other sources including other Teradata client tools.
For more information, see “Importing a Workload” on page 63.
From an Existing Workload - A new workload can be created from an existing workload.
For more information, see “Defining a Workload from an Existing Workload” on page 69.
Using Database XML Query Log (DBQL) - The Database XML Query Log (DBQL XML) provides the capability to store the performance-related
data for a request into system tables.
For more information, see “Defining a Workload from DBQL XML Statements” on page 71.