Session routing determines which system to send a request. Unity applies session routing rules to each session that successfully connects to the Unity server.
Unity uses the following routing characteristics for each session:
- User Mappings
- User mappings are sets of rules that define the logon requirements of a user or client.
- Routing Rules
- Routing rules specifies the Teradata system and how read and write requests are routed.
- Error Profiles
- Error profiles are lists of error codes in a single profile that specifies the actions if an error occurs.
- Time Windows
- Time Windows let you set automated start and stop times for routine updates, planned outages, or a User Mapping. Time Windows can run a script when opening or closing, function as an on off switch, or block sets of users from production for specified periods.
Unity includes a set of default routing rules during installation. You can add and edit routing rules to meet specific business and ecosystem requirements. You can add or modify user mappings as needs change.