squeeze() Method | Teradata Python Package - squeeze() Method - Teradata Vantage

Teradata® VantageCloud Lake

Teradata Vantage
January 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

Use the squeeze() method to squeeze one-dimensional axis objects into a scalar for teradataml DataFrames with a single element, or a Series object for a teradataml DataFrame with a single column.

The teradataml DataFrame is returned unchanged when both dimensions are greater than one.


The axis argument specifies the axis along which the squeeze operation is to be attempted. The possible values are:
  • 1 or 'columns': Return Series object if number of columns equals one.
  • 0 or 'index' : Return the unchanged teradataml DataFrame object.
When axis is not specified and both dimensions equal one, a scalar object is returned which is the only element in the DataFrame.

Examples Prerequisite

Assume the table "admissions_train" exists and its index column is id. And a DataFrame "df" is created based on this table using the command:

>>> df = DataFrame("admissions_train")
>>> df
   masters   gpa     stats programming admitted
22     yes  3.46    Novice    Beginner        0
36      no  3.00  Advanced      Novice        0
15     yes  4.00  Advanced    Advanced        1
38     yes  2.65  Advanced    Beginner        1
5       no  3.44    Novice      Novice        0
17      no  3.83  Advanced    Advanced        1
34     yes  3.85  Advanced    Beginner        0
13      no  4.00  Advanced      Novice        1
26     yes  3.57  Advanced    Advanced        1
19     yes  1.98  Advanced    Advanced        0

Example 1: Squeeze a teradataml DataFrame with both dimension greater than one.

>>> df.squeeze()
   masters   gpa     stats programming admitted
22     yes  3.46    Novice    Beginner        0
36      no  3.00  Advanced      Novice        0
15     yes  4.00  Advanced    Advanced        1
38     yes  2.65  Advanced    Beginner        1
5       no  3.44    Novice      Novice        0
17      no  3.83  Advanced    Advanced        1
34     yes  3.85  Advanced    Beginner        0
13      no  4.00  Advanced      Novice        1
26     yes  3.57  Advanced    Advanced        1
19     yes  1.98  Advanced    Advanced        0

Example 2: Squeeze a single-column teradataml DataFrame.

>>> gpa = df.select(["gpa"])
>>> gpa.squeeze()
0    4.00
1    2.33
2    3.46
3    3.83
4    4.00
5    2.65
6    3.57
7    3.44
8    3.85
9    3.95
Name: gpa, dtype: float64
>>> gpa.squeeze(axis = 1)
0    3.46
1    3.00
2    4.00
3    2.65
4    3.44
5    3.83
6    3.85
7    4.00
8    3.57
9    1.98
Name: gpa, dtype: float64

>>> gpa.squeeze(axis = 0)
0  3.46
1  3.00
2  4.00
3  2.65
4  3.44
5  3.83
6  3.85
7  4.00
8  3.57
9  1.98

Example 3: Squeeze a teradataml DataFrame with multiple columns and a single row.

>>> df = DataFrame.from_query('select gpa, stats from admissions_train where gpa=2.33')

>>> df
    gpa   stats
0  2.33  Novice
>>> s = df.squeeze()
>>> s
    gpa   stats
0  2.33  Novice

Example 4: Squeeze a teradataml DataFrame with a single element.

>>> single_gpa = DataFrame.from_query('select gpa from admissions_train where gpa=2.33')
>>> single_gpa
0  2.33
>>> single_gpa.squeeze()
>>> single_gpa.squeeze(axis = 1)
0    2.33
Name: gpa, dtype: float64
>>> single_gpa.squeeze(axis = 0)
0  2.33